Live from the frontline as Kyiv bombarded with hypersonic missiles | Ukraine The Latest | Podcast

Day 477.

Today, we hear the latest from the capital, talk to Colin Freeman on the frontlines, and touch on the long shadow of the Napoleonic Wars on European history.


Francis Dearnley (Host & Assistant Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

David Knowles (Reporting live from Ukraine). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

Dominic Nicholls (Associate Editor, Defence). @DomNicholls on Twitter.

Colin Freeman (Foreign Reporter). @ColinFreeman99 on Twitter.

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34 thoughts on “Live from the frontline as Kyiv bombarded with hypersonic missiles | Ukraine The Latest | Podcast”

  1. Wow. That last story about the way these young Ukrainian people see their situation was harrowing. Deciding to have a family now because the future is so uncertain. God, i wish them the best. May Putin rot.

  2. Russia can not repair, nor replace natural gas turbines, pumping equipment, transformers at substations, hob communication towers, Moscow's snow cleaning equipment and outer train repair shops stations if disrupted by mystery Iranian like drones. Russian needs money baddy and wants to steal it from Ukraine. China understands that Putin is completely irrelevant at this point and wants its 380 Billion Dollars + invested in Russia ASAP, thus setting it's position neutral. Oligarchs in Russia do not want to invest money in Russia now under uncertainty and current results in Ukraine, they are looking for a serious change inside the Kremlin and can not deal with the current military brass and fear a serious revolt inside Russia, Oligarchs want the Wagner group the be gone completely one way or an other because there is no money to pay the widows, and the broken families and remote farmers.

    Yevgeny Prigozhin does not have the money to pay Mercenaries, their relatives or widows is losing $80000000 a day for compensation for cargo 200 alone !

    The FBI is offering a reward of up to $250,000 for information leading to the arrest of Prigozhin. if dead could double or triple that money?

  3. Hold up… nobody alive today had grandfathers fighting at Waterloo 😂
    The youngest soldiers fighting in Waterloo would have been born just before 1800 and the oldest people alive today would have been born around 1920. 120 years split between two generations… the math doesn't work.

  4. No news from the main front? Must be going very badly for NATO and their cannon-fodder if even The Telegraph can't find an encouraging angle. .. Peace, partition and neutrality now!
    Ought to have implemented the Minsk accords as Zhelensky promised when elected. Hundreds of thousands would still be alive and NATO weapons' reputation would have remained intact.

  5. Infelizmente os ocidentais, haja ver os comentários abaixo são racistas e não compreendem que o mundo está mudando, quanto a Ucrânia, vivem de uma narrativa da grande mídia que os nazistas ucranianos estão vencendo, más nós que temos acesso as informações isentas vemos a realidade que é muito triste, os ucranianos estão morrendo aos milhares.


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