Denji vs Zombie Devil – Chainsaw Man

Denji vs Zombie Devil – Chainsaw Man

#denji #chainsawman


44 thoughts on “Denji vs Zombie Devil – Chainsaw Man”

  1. You cannot convince me that the addition of CGI was an artistic choice. It is masked well certainly, but that's exactly what it is – masking something that inherently looks worse than the great 2D parts. Is it really so much to ask to have it all be great 2D? other studios have no problem doing that but Mappa constantly discredits the genuinely good 2D artwork by mixing in CG. It's distracting

  2. The fact that people think CGI was used the whole time makes this so much more hilarious, everyone flames mappa for cgi but most of the far shots that needed it for less-time consumption were 2D and the close ups were in 3D 😂

  3. I feel like one shot not a lot of people are talking about is that initial leap off the pile of zombies. Just the explosion of blood everywhere and Denji lodging himself into the devils head, it’s just the most Chainsaw Man vibe the studio could’ve given the anime

  4. In my personal opinion, i absolutely loved how they mixed 2D and 3D CGI in this scene. I wasn’t bothered by this at all. As a matter of fact, i was hyped throughout the whole scene 🤩

  5. I love how berserk he goes when he's in chainsaw mode
    Man spent his whole life hungry and in servitude, the moment he finally gets immense power he immediately chooses violence and loves every second of it.

  6. bro the movement of this fight is so cool, as someone who used to work with chainsaws, those bitches weigh a lot and the his arms and body swing with the added weight when he has no momentum built up, the way he starts running normally to swinging his arms like a chain, it’s fucking cool as shit

  7. Este anime se hacía con cgi o no se hacía, hay mangas que son difíciles de animar con la animación tradicional y de hacerlo así no sería rentable si no es una película.

  8. one thing that cgi ain’t good is that, the 3d to 2d transition kinda screw up the body portion, making chainsaw man either look more fat or skinny than the actual body size. That’s why in some MOBA game, the game developer made the character weird body portion to make it look normal in specify angle. you can see it from 1:08 to 1:11, when denji turning his head from side to side, his portion looks a bit weird for me.

  9. The reason i don't hate this cgi is that although the cgi of Denji's are clear as a day, his movements looks natural and of course it isn't ugly at all. The chainsaw iron on his head looks realistic with the wires (when cgi) and they even add a little scratch on his chainsaw. The 2 years work have paid off well❤‍🔥.

  10. I still don't understand why they still use CGI and filters to animate sertain scenes. There're already plenty of tools to make 2d animation faster and cheaper. If the Chainsaw Man model was made with Blender, they already have the model and the software to do it. Greace Pencil and Modifiers are a big revolutionary advancement in the field of 2d animation. I don't know why they don't just use it. They're greatly missing out.

  11. There were only a couple moments that stood out as a little awkward to me (the view if him running from behind at a low angle, and him jabbing his arm upward into one of the zombies didn't look like it had a lot of force/power) though that could be chalked up to the blades being heavy for him at first
    Aside from that I really like the way this looks


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