Live From The Fresh Baked Studio


23 thoughts on “Live From The Fresh Baked Studio”

  1. Happy Anniversary!! Have a lovely time at the Grand Cal. You two deserve a night out together 😄

    (Ps, can’t wait to see yr AK vlog! Never been, still planning for the future, love your way of doing things, helps a lot)

  2. Wrong about splash mountain and getting wet. My teenage son got soaked at 9:00 at night. He was in front and someone sent their 2 little girls in our boat and they sat in the back. We were front heavy. We kept hearing the biggest wave completely soak him on every drop. Luckily I had him give me his sweatshirt and put it in my backpack and I had dry socks in backpack. He was so wet it was ridiculous but we laughed really hard about it. I mean my husband and I laughed…not my son. 😂😂😂

  3. Thank you for doing that conversation with Justin. I’ve seen you both at the park and it was just nice to see you both interacting and having a “sit down” conversation.

  4. The best spot for reserved seating to watch Fantasmic is the back closest to the rope because then you can see over the gate, whereas if you’re sitting in the middle or the front of the section, your view will be halfway through the gate in front of the water.

  5. I just watched the interview with Justin. Very fun to watch and interesting about both of your starts on Youtube. I've been following you for ages. Probably about a year or two before Galaxy's Edge started to be demo'd and built. It's been fun to see the different videos. Construction, Walk thru's, News, everything!

  6. Re: the conversation between you and Justin… I signed up for his Patreon just to watch that full convo! I've been following both your channels from their start, since back when I was still working at Disney (Burbank) 2010-14 and using my Silver Pass to take friends to Disneyland almost every weekend. My friends loved going with me, not just cuz I could get them in for free, but also because I acted as their personal tour guide, pointing out all the "secrets" and historic trivia nuggets, Randomland-style.

    I feel a kinship with both of you… I'm about David's age, born & raised in Orange, close enough to the park to climb on our roof to see the fireworks. Our grandparents took us there during the 25th Anniversary and bought me a commemorative coffee table book detailing the park's history/construction, I was obsessed with that book and that's when I first wanted to be an Imagineer (I almost became one).

    When I was 12, my family moved to rural Missouri, not far from Marceline & Walt's old stomping grounds. I loved the Randomland road trip episodes from Marceline, KC, etc

    So much of this conversation resonated with me personally. I share David's "lone wolf" working style, and Justin's ADHD randomness and appreciation of history/vintage/Tiki/before-after context. I totally get what you both mean about the special feeling of just being "inside the berm."

    I haven't been to the parks much since my unceremonious exit from corporate Disney 8-9 years ago… I sure do miss being an unofficial tour guide and witnessing the evolution of the parks firsthand, but glad I can follow your channels and stay up to speed vicariously through you.

    Thanks for this conversation and asking each other all the questions I'd always been curious about. Keep up the great work… y'all are the originals of the genre, and still the best.

    Much love, –Kampy

  7. 5 Years! 5 Years? I remember messaging encouraging you to ask Liz to marry you….and it doesn’t feel like more than 5 years since that (been watching much longer). Boy I am showing my age – maybe early dementia? Regardless I still love FreshBaked!


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