Best Of Coromon – Funniest Moments Compilation (16 – 30) – Let's Play

#Coromon #letsplay #funny
Full Playlist:
This is the best of from the first 15 videos of our Coromon Let’s Play.

You read that right. We play Coromon (no we didn’t misspell Pokemon). Coromon is a creature collecting RPG game heavily inspired by Pokemon, but with its own style and graphics. Coromon is a creature collecting game that has turn based combat, plenty of creatures to collect and difficult but rewarding gameplay

Coromon is available for PC on Epic Games Store and Steam

Episode 16
In this episode we go through more floors of the Power Tower. We start off on the second floor were we battle Diane and her Houndos. We then flip some more switches and run into Gerald and his Lunarpup, and finally Terry and his Fiddly.

Episode 17
In this episode we continue on floor 2 of the Power Tower. We find the switches we need to and surprise, another trainer battle. This time with Henry and his Mino. We then make it to Floor number 3. We deal with tons of conveyer belts and other battle researchers on floor 3.

Episode 18
In this episode we finish our fight with Ferne and her Bazzer and Otogy. We then make it to the 4th Floor where we need to solve Mr. Mind’s Fuse Box puzzle. We then make it to floor 5 the hardest floor of them all. We have plenty of switches and Battle Trainers to fight on this floor.

Episode 19
In this episode we fight more battle researchers on the fifth floor of the Power Tower. Plenty of conveyer belts and switches on this floor. We fiht Leslie and his Mooby

Episode 20
In this episode we make it to the sixth floor. Aftger going back to heal, we take on Voltgar, and after a tough fight we finally beat him and take his sweet essence.

Episode 21
After beating Voltgar, we head back to the lab. We meet with Rigel and discuss the next steps. We get a text message from the Engineer and head back to Lux Solis for a new powerup

Episode 22
We head to the soggy swamp. We are stopped by the scouts who check us for foreign substances but approve of Volgar’s Titan Essence so we are allowed to pass into the swamp. We then fight a wild Gauslime, pick some Sweatshrooms, and then fight Shirley and her Gildwing. We then run itno a wild Fibio and pick some more shrooms.

Episode 23
We continue our journey through the soggy swamp running into wild Lampyre and Beezel. We have a heated debate about Droople. We go back to the Coromon Center to get our Poitntiafied Cub-Zero, and he is now a Potent! Yay!

Episode 24
We are still in the Soggy Swamp. We run into Myers and fight his Mino. We then collect some more mushrooms, and run into a POTENT PURRGY. We keep trying to make our way through the swamp, and try to keep our Coromon alive in the process.

Episode 25
We are nearing the end of the Soggy Swamp. We fight Alan and his Taddle in the swamp. We pick plenty more shrooms and then run into Tammy and her Lunarwulf. Our Slitherpin evolves into a Serpike and our Cub-Zero evolves into an Aroara in this episode.

Episode 26
We are in trouble in the swam and have to use a Lux Recall to go back to the Coromon Center to heal up. We then continue our joutney into the swamp. We make it past more trainer battles and pick even more mushrooms, and then we finally make it to the end of the swamp and enter Pawberry.

Episode 27
We reach Pawbury! After talking to Yusef we go to visit a few of the other townspeople. We pose for a sculptor with our Swurmy and get an Amethio. We get our Purrgy back from the Potentiafication and he is now at an 18. After that we visit Dorette and do the room puzzle in the mansion. We thne separate our Spirit from our body and explore the mansion

Episode 28
In this episode we start out the Meschar Stone from the Meschar Realm. We then get our mission from Hugh to enter the Monastary Of Illusion and travel into the Depths to find Illuginn. We go through the first floor and run into plenty of Ice and ghost Coromon: Frova, Froshell, and Seraphace to name a few.

Episode 29
In this episode we fight Matthew and his Squidly. We then hop over a lot of gaps. Fight a Seraphace and then take on Magdalena’s Grimmask. We then jump over more gaps and make it to another floor in the basement of the monastery.

Episode 30
In this episode we fight Simon and his Purrgy and Lunarpup. We then fight Bartholemew on a bridge. We reach the stonehenge and then head into the Mescher realm where we need to collect spirits for Illuginn


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