Let's Play SWTOR: Bounty Hunter Part 49 [The Thing Czerka Found]

49: The Dune Sea

The Great Hunt has been called, and Theia Jendri, an amateur but promising Bounty Hunter is contacted by a retired hunter to form a team to claim a spot in the tournament.

Victorious in the Grand Melee, Theia has claimed the final place in the Great Hunt.

Despite some heated words, she is directed to liaise with her handler, Crysta Markon, and be granted her Hunt Targets throughout the known Galaxy.

Having updated her gear, and with Mako alongside her, Theia begins to further build upon her growing reputation.


4 thoughts on “Let's Play SWTOR: Bounty Hunter Part 49 [The Thing Czerka Found]”

  1. What a great job they are doing bounty hunt Theia Jendry the investigation team, you have killed some sand men, you have killed some Jedi who freed the prisoners but you fulfilled your mission not bad every time the empire is recognizing you one more.

  2. 21:10 The Book Of Boba Fett is awful, more like The Mandalorian season 2.5, which is equally awful after season 3 in particular. You are correct about Disney "trying" to add more lore to the Sand People & the Jawas, but it's abysmal, they just don't understand (or care) that the mysteries surrounding these two species is supposed to be exactly that, a mystery. We know something of their origins & way of life & that's about it, which is the point, it adds to their character. George Lucas took inspiration from Dune when creating Tatooine & the Tuskens & BioWare wrote the majority of the lore, but they were smart enough to dress it up as legends & hearsay, after all the Sand People & Jawas don't keep tomes or scrolls or let alone a holo archive, everything they know of their world, themselves, is passed down orally & after literal tens of thousands of years much has been forgotten or misremembered.

    Edit: 23:42 Well it got glassed by the Rakata because they rose up (along with all the other enslaved worlds) in rebellion. This catastrophe turned Tatooine from a lush planet overflowing with vegetation into one of rock & sand & wiped out two of the four species that shared the planet. The Sand People claim they won out over their long forgotten conquerors but in reality they barely survived, if not for the deep & extensive cave systems of Tatooine they would have died out for sure.

  3. You shouldn't have destroyed the artifact, you were hired to retrieve it after all, not take matters into your own hands. Though I suppose to be fair there are reasons presented for destroying it that makes your decision more understandable, such as Darth Silthar's final words to "beware the thing in the white room" & after meeting the primary artifact's inhabitant, it was very quickly deduced that the creature was violently deranged after tens of millennia locked away. At the very least you ended the Imprisoned One's threat once & for all.

    Edit: 55:23 We will see Golah again as an Imperial player, but not in person I don't think. Instead If I remember correctly (trying to think back to the Vaedren series), we'll see a recorded holo message from him sent to the player on Odessen in the very very distant future during LoTS.


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