What if Starfield is Good? – POSITIVE THOUGHTS ONLY

We have mixed feelings on Starfield but today we really try to focus on the positive elements, revisiting all the Starfield info with a positive bias and honing in on what we liked about it.

Watch the Trailer/Gameplay for yourself: https://youtu.be/zmb2FJGvnAw

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39 thoughts on “What if Starfield is Good? – POSITIVE THOUGHTS ONLY”

  1. I want to point out you are misunderstanding what they mean when they say procedurally generated, all of the map for oblivion and skyrim were procedurally generated, and then they went through and started adding all the crafted locations and places that had to be there due to lore, then they saved all that, and that is the map you play on in both of those games. So they aren't saying every player will have custom planets and solar systems, they are saying all players will have the same planets that are identical and that they used procedural generation to make them.

  2. I love (and still play) both Skyrim and Fallout 4. I have THOUSANDS of hours in both. After seeing the Starfield game play, I'm sure I'll spend thousands of hours in Starfield too! (If I live that long! LOL)

  3. I basically hope we dont need a huge ass mod to patch bugs, dont get a lot of crashes and bethesda gives us at least 8-10 gbs for mods (we will need to fill these 1000 wastelands).

    By looking at the trailer we already know we will be getting mods for eyes, hair, alternate starts, smoke and space textures, weapons balancing and sound effects. I want to play THAT game (maybe 5 years from now).

    I like the idea of a space ranch, but it will probably need to come via mods, because I think the base building will follow that design we have already seen on trailers. Would be cool to feel like a pilgrim in space. I feel like a lot of this game's vastness is hinging upon the base building being robust.

  4. The existence of systems is really helpful because thats how we get more mods for that. If we have base traits its easier to add extra traits because we dont have to build the base system.

  5. Am I the only one looking forward to like the worst glitched procedural worlds where you have a planet with drops like the top of the throat of the world to the dark valley every 10 ft?

  6. I'm really excited about the systemic roleplay possibilities within the game. Traits, backgrounds, skills, and any systems that involve playing off of those. I'm a junker background person so I have insight that gives me a different path in a conversation during a quest or something.

  7. Oh i guess it would be something like Fallout 4, most of the geeks love to think it's just shit but the game is still played a lot today. So who is right, a small community of geeks who have populated the forums to complain as they didn't played the game they hated or the majority of players who enjoyed the game even if it was far from beeing perfect and did not talk about it.

  8. ok but if all of starfield looks as good as it does in the footage, then i have really high hopes for what elder scrolls VI could look like, as it’s years out

    edit: they have classes. lookin kinda bright

  9. To touch on the procedural part, it will be persistent, meaning that the planets won't be random for everyone it will all be the same for everybody, it just refers to the way it's generated is different. But I would totally expect all the planets to have either caves or hidden areas because that will all be super easy for their formula to generate. I mean look at no mans sky every planet has caves and ups and downs and the variety might not be top notch but that's because their asset pool is low where as Bethesda has more artists and can make that asset pool much bigger. I'm hopeful ☺️

  10. People have to be prepared that it will suck at launch as much as Fallout 76. It is useless to have expectations.If you imagine the worst…even if it will be just a mediocre game you will be relieved.

  11. Just throwing my thoughts out there. Starfield should have a "progressive" open world. Features should be like
    -Planets, cites, Outpost and technology should develop as time passes in the game
    *Any character built outpost should be able to develop into larger cities.
    *The player should be given the option to terraform planets mid to late game
    *The player should be able to create his own faction as well as promote leaders within the faction with their own character development system That increase their stats over time. The player should be able to send these "leaders" to do tedious fetch missions, defend outpost or planets, ectera… Have these "leaders" mission success based on how qualify they are. For example: you wouldn't pick a scientist to go attack an enemy outpost. You wouldn't pick a mercenary to research how to make spaceships more fuel efficient.
    *These "leaders" can develope traits over time.
    *Permadeath is an option but The player should be given a chance to save a "leader" or if the mission difficulty isn't high the leader may be able to survive and retreat that mission. The "leader" should not always die because they failed a mission.
    *Multiple leaders can be picked to be on a mission together.
    *Factions can choose to be allies and supply each other with food, money, fuel, people, ships, research and or tech.
    *Each Faction should be able to upgrade their technology overtime. Example: the main character outpost's science facility should be able to create a less bulky but longer oxygen sustaining space suit.
    Another example: overtime a faction is able to create a faster, more durable fighter.

    -Wars, pirates, economy, and happiness should affect the development system.
    -example: if a war was to break out on a planet it could have a major impact on the cities there.
    -The player indirect actions can have effects on wars. Let's say the player does not pick sides on a war but decides to attack a key outpost or assassinate a key figure, it should have a major impact for that faction and can cause a shift in the war. Another example: The player's economical or scientific decisions can have an impact on a war as well.
    *Biological weapons, robots, creating clones and zombies should be added can affect factions and planets reputation.
    -aliens should be diverse and included in the game as well.
    *Intelligent aliens should not be just a different colored human.
    *Aliens can be discovered on planets mid to late game.
    *Factions can choose to be acceptable or hostile to alien races.

    Overall, if Bethesda is going to create this open world(s) game they need to step it up and be new and innovative with this concept. Don't just be lazy and give us blank planets with nothing to do and expect modders to create everything. Skyrim stood the test of time but it wasn't just because of the modders. vanilla Skyrim was immersive and it gave the players decisions that can affect their playthrough Every time they play. The decision gave it great replayability to where Bethesda could rerelease the game every other year and make profit off of it. I'm not asking for starfield to have a crusader kings 3 type of system. I just want the game to feel like it's a living breathing system and not like the world freezes in place when I leave an area. Giving us as players the option to maybe have a playthrough where we didn't defeat hundreds of NPCs to win a war. We can simply just assassinate a leader and watch it crumble or just simply supply one side too help them win maybe….🤷🏿‍♂️

  12. With regards to one of the first points you made about the NASA-Punk (By the way Scott, Spot on 👍🏽) Ascetic. My ‘Tism Special Interest being Space Colonisation for our solar-system with contemporary physics & materials, Looking @ these suits & 🤞🏽 the crafting system’s use of; compounds, components, elements, etc. is going to be highly engaging if Bethesda goes all-in Mass Effect Codex-esque.
    Juan Hundy P, I’m Nerd Stoked.

  13. You two don't like as you call it "nasa-punk" I think you're biased against such a game. It was a bit annoying that you mentioned this setting wasn't interesting so many times. "positive thoughts only" was a bit misleading!

  14. It seems that Starfield is really trying to offer the roleplay part of RPG games. Games like Mass Effect or Outer Worlds were always story based RPGs in space. Period. Few planets, scripted space combat in cutscenes (or not at all). Exploration close to zero. Zero smuggling, colonization, base building, zero connection with game economy, RPG systems.
    Starfield is trying something so unique, it is confusing players so much they are all like "this is NMS 2" (like if NMS had 200k lines of dialogue) but no, this is still story based RPG with tons of options. This is how RPG in space should always looked like but we never got anything like this.
    However, i dont think we saw enough. We saw 15 minutes of different scenes each introducing different aspect of the game, but in the end, it confused people even more. People simply do not know what to expect. They cannot see the final picture where everything will work together… and in the end. Is it going to work together?

  15. I think you held the game’s setting against it a bit too much. A lot of the negativity I heard in this video had to do with that. The setting doesn’t make the game

  16. The Modding possibilites for the 1000 planets has me excited. Thinking of the possibilities of an alternate start mod like other bethesda games, where you start off on a far flung planet as a scavenger, or a pirate, or any crazy option you can come up with. That has great promise to me.

  17. Elder Scrolls has, what 5000 years of history?

    I'm theory there's millions of years of history on these planets.

    Scifi authors rarely embrace that potential but who knows. Maybe Starfield will. There's a lot of potential to break away from classic Scifi tropes by looking at the vastness of space and time.

  18. What if Starfield had a sentient AI behind it that messes with players? What if Starfield gave you a metallic taste in your mouth like copper when you played it? What if Starfield had all the vitamins and minerals you need for a day? What if Starfield adopts you like an impotent gorilla adopts a kitten? What if Starfield kisses your sister behind your back? What if… Whatiffield?

  19. I would be much more optimistic if this was made together with Obsidian as a joint project like Fallout New Vegas instead of an obvious attempt to build a rival IP for their Outer Worlds franchise….. but maybe that's just me being me…


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