Latest on Baltimore Key bridge collapse

A cargo ship hit the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing its collapse. Search rescue efforts are underway as crews look for construction workers.


29 thoughts on “Latest on Baltimore Key bridge collapse”

  1. 1. This Is why I stay away from places that look like it could be from literally every single GTA game, and 2. anywhere mostly if not completely run by Democrats.. Stuff like DEI, NCLB, and "sanctuary cities.." That is what's causing chaos, and this is an example, complete disaster.. This was a foreign ship controlled by domestic entities.. If it wasn't a cyber attack, it was an attack carried out by people within our country.. This stuff doesn't happen by mistake..

  2. That shit looks unreal like something off a movie like planet of the apes or something when the apes was fighting on the bridge and the cars on the bridge all fell off. Some of the shit that I’ve seen happen in Maryland looks insane.

  3. I don't trust the govt-biden anymore … this was planned, a distraction using people's lives from the real issues going on in this country. We're being invaded open border, our food is harmful with chemicals to kill us & our children, economic crisis-everyone is overworked_underpaid while cost of living is skyrocketing, our kids are falling behind in education compared to other nations, etc …. I can go on and on … PEOPLE WAKE UP!! WE AS CITIZENS MUST BE AWARE , WRK TOGETHER TO FIND A SOLUTION FOR THE FUTURE – WE WERE ONCE A GREAT NATION. WE WERE A HAPPY NATION, GREAT PLACE TO LIVE.

  4. 0:46 0:50 shows persise flashes of lights, and at each of those connectors is where the bridge collapsed. Can't tell me that wasn't explosives, add in the random person filming at 1 30 AM who happened to zoom in RIGHT before the collision, as if they could see it was going to hit over a mile away in the dark…

    Nothing suspicious here at all… like the train wreck… Maui…

    Netflix films w train wrecks-6 months later it happens
    Then the Obama one happened to start by a freaking boat container crash… just like we see here…

  5. Something's not adding up. first, there's an explosion. First they were called to let him know it was gonna hit. And then there's six workmen on the bridge. Fixing potholes at 3:00 AM in the morning. I don't know of any city state transactions that go on at 3 o'clock in the morning. or 1:30 in the morning. Said they were fixing potholes Something's not right here. This is all a gimmick to slow down production. this was no accident , the light on bridge went out, come one people , start asking questions what do they have to gain ?

  6. Why does EVERY channel cut out the few seconds before impact, showing the ship making a hard right turn straight into the pillar? If there's nothing to hide, why hide that critical and suspicious moment? Honest question… any honest answers?

  7. Praying for all the families, this is awful,i lost my 14 year old son in a river it took 10 days to find him I begged GOD TO bring him back there's never real closure definitely wont be none if they aren't found,they would have bloated &floated up if not trapped in vehicles GOD BLESS THEM ALL😇🙏


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