Meet Major Update “Apex Predators”: https://wt.link/Apex_Predators

Brand new Rank VIII 4th generation aircraft with the iconic trio of the F-16, the MiG-29 and the Tornado! A selection of over 40 new and updated models of aircraft, ground vehicles and naval vessels. New models for naval crews with reworked voice overs for naval events, drop-tank mechanics, two new locations and as always, a long list of bug fixes and smaller updates and changes!

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  1. Awesome that they are finally adding very modern planes, to bad I'll never be able to fly them. Guess I gotta wait for Modern Warthunder so I can actually get to play around with jets and missiles. I have 200 hours on warthunder and the furthest I've gotten with a nation is rank 5, I've stopped playing since.

  2. I realize the Rafale might be a little modern relative to the Mig-29 and f-16, but it's still gen 4. (It started development not much after them, but production was delayed 15-20 years) And, as far as balancing goes, it's really down a lot to the armament and flight model. I think the Rafale as the French top tier makes more sense and is more interesting than the super dated mirage. We only have 8 of them now…. MAKE IT HAPPEN

  3. I have no clue why bit ever since the update, my game crashes at the very least once per game, and i lose all revenue from the match… literally drained the few SL i have as a f2pand makes the game infuriating

  4. Encore une fois il oublie la France avec son nouveau Mirage BR 11,3 et de rang 8 Merci Geinjin de nous oublié.
    D'ailleurs si vous pouvez ajouté plusieur avion parcque c'est dur de ce faire un bon escadron avec les Français.


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