January 6 defendant supporters march from DOJ to Capitol on 3rd anniversary amidst counter-protest

As counter-protesters yelled “traitors!” a group of supporters of January 6 defendants led by Look Ahead America marched from the Department of Justice to the Capitol on Saturday, the third anniversary.

Outside the Capitol, livestreamer/counter-protester Anarchy Princess venerated police who served at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, including Harry Dunn who is now running for congress.

“Ashli Babbitt! Ashli Babbitt!” chanted the rally attendees outside the Capitol grounds.

Micki Witthoeft, mother of Ashli Babbitt, spoke out in front of the Department of Justice.

She says the Capitol Police “operate with complete impunity” and received claps as she described that her family is suing over the shooting.

Matt Braynard, leader of Look Ahead America, described January 6ers as “patriotic Americans who were exercising their First Amendment rights, the vast majority, according to the Department of Justice’s own records, did not participate in any violence, assault, or destruction of property, expressed themselves in maybe not the best time, way, place, but nonetheless, peacefully.”

Filmed by News2Share Contributor Paul Mulholland

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33 thoughts on “January 6 defendant supporters march from DOJ to Capitol on 3rd anniversary amidst counter-protest”

  1. The Youtube "context" warning citing Wokiepedia is a textbook example of disinformation. FBI operatives and their cohort of Antifa subversives and Marxist activists were present in the hundreds, goading and steering the protestors to enter the capitol. The capital police were complicit too. They fired round after round of nonlethal artillery at the crowd in order to incite panic, disorder and anger. No protestors were armed and their behavior was overwhelmingly peaceful and respectful of the capitol. Once the Deep State actors got footage of the reaction they induced, the whole "InSuRrEcTiOn" was instantly shut down after 4 hours. To this day govt operatives are still going after any MAGA supporters they suspected of being anywhere near DC that day.There was no insurrection, just entrapment of the enemies of the Globalist elites, Deep State, Marxists, and the Democrats. Don't get me started on the evidence of MASSIVE fraud they perpetrated to steal the election. DOJ made sure none of the evidence of fraud was allowed to go to trial.

  2. Put the pressure on to your local small business owners! Especially those of you who live in Texas. Refuse service to the border patrol and police officers for not doing their jobs and protecting our border. Those of you that live in the cities the illegals are being dropped off in; refuse service to the police who just walk by and do nothing. They took an oath to the country not the mayor, councilmen, nor the president. Make them uncomfortable!

  3. It is sad the Pathetic DC Police allow Counter Protestors to scream right in the middle of a permitted Rally, and then surround these demonic liars to protect them for no reason… No Officers died that Day. Rainbow Lady is a liar. So Kudos to Those who marched and ignored the Paid Disruptors who show up at Conservative events ,including speeches from our Reps.. Like the J6 Protestors these Marchers remained Peaceful.

  4. so the people protesting are there in protest of a veteran that was murdered by government officials. Counter protestors are there to call them traitors, even though the government killed there own former employee for protesting their wrong doings. Who is the traitors?


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