Christian Covert Narcissist: The Ultimate Contradiction

Christian covert narcissist contradiction #shorts

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20 thoughts on “Christian Covert Narcissist: The Ultimate Contradiction”

  1. My Christian narcissist told me that it was OK that he loved money more than God because God‘s working on that as he was destroying my child and I. Then he signed up for divorce care in a Christian church it was so unbelievable

  2. This was me in a nutshell. The world calls it narcissism but the bible calls it haughty pride. I was completely blind to it. All glory to Jesus Christ who shined the light in my life to show me my sinful ways and healed me.

  3. When someone uses Christianese too much it makes me cringe inside.

    "Hey, brother! Be blessed and have a blessed day on this day that the Lord has made!!"

    The more they side it and the louder they use it, the more it comes across as so fake.

  4. You’re being too sensitive! Hahaha that’s what my covert N used to say. I don’t know how these people operate mentally. I really don’t care to know either. Don’t want to infect my brain. From wives to CEOs, bosses and pastors their all lost ! I’m trying to be kind. 😊

  5. I was a baby Christian and fell for a covert narc "minister". I was discarded for another narc. It knocked me out of my walk with God. Now, we've been divorced almost 18 years from him, and the Lord healed me. The ex is 70, and his 7th marriage ended after 4 months. Beloved, watch out. Religious narcs utilize the church like a singles bar 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

  6. He’s in yet another recovery class.
    He is singing the right words but next thing you know he is smiling at one if his favorite ‘other’ younger women and saying good affirmation words to her and ignores that I am right next to him watching. Then later dismisses me at the drive through knowing my med situation but reaffirming the checkout clerk about an earlier conversation I had with them and my Dr about the now due prescription.
    Then when I try to tell him I had already checked with my dr several weeks before he dismissed me again. Apparently I can’t tell him anything that he and the check out girl doesn’t already know.
    I just am hurt that he said he was learning so much about his brain damage from his new recovery class for sex addiction but I STILL don’t count in any way for the many times he’s hurt me with his arrogance and victim mentality.

  7. Yes!! They call you out if you do something wrong but when you give them the same advice in the moment they literally don’t care. They also put on a fake persona on social media. One left his wife and tore apart his family but posts about true love.

  8. Surrounded by and keep bumping into people who need help. I help them then when they're up and running, they turn and become controlling and want to set the agenda for 'me' to follow. So irritating. Obviously dependent/domineering types. I just don't help them any more which is frustrating as it's against my nature but essential for my sanity. The world's gone mad atm. Thanks Kris. God bless. xxx

  9. I grew up with a Mom with very narcissistic behavior couched in self righteous spiritual talk. I still struggle with seeing so much of this behavior and wondering who is an actual narcissist and who is just a normal person struggling with their own selfishness or justifying it perhaps. . I struggle not wanting to be this kind of person myself but knowing there are days it's about me. Also the difference between that and self care. There is so much about narcissism lately and it seems so black and white. Struggling to understand where the line is between narcissism and just normal brokenness we all have.. It's been a life long struggle to recover from what I experienced as a child but of course I'm trusting God.. Learning a lot though..

  10. When I was deep into the trauma bond and had no voice, I had to go to church with my narc after a Saturday night of abuse and he always said that he was forgiven by God and it didn’t matter anymore what he did.


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