January '23 Recap, Announcements, and Shout-Outs

it’s been 84 years…

hope you enjoy

written and recorded by yours truly

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This original content has been created exclusively for this YouTube channel. No permission for this copywritten audio to be distributed, copied, shared, or plagiarized is granted to any person, organization, or entity.


36 thoughts on “January '23 Recap, Announcements, and Shout-Outs”

  1. I hate that people get so up in arms when there are characters that do horrible things, or even just disagree with a character’s choices. It’s fine to read the TW and opt out of watching or watch and be like ooh I’m so mad at so and so. You’re supposed to have an emotional response to stories. But Erik works so hard and the disrespect is unreal. I hope moving forward people can keep it respectful and encourage Erik to share his vision.

  2. Bro you warm my heart so much, the amount of soul you put into your content is astounding and you never fail to surprise me. I hope that you're still recovering well, and I that you take all the time you need, whenever you need it. Especially after all the things you've had to deal with these last few months, you deserve all the good you can get <3

  3. Dont even worry too much! Despite all the chaos of the past few months, you were determined to bring out content for us even tho I think, it's the common consensus that you should take your time…… to be fair, I don't do well with breaks but sometimes you really have to take them. Looking forward to this year and the next! Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful characters with us! Happy New Year! 🥰

  4. I know it's not much but I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything! ♡

    The last few months were also the worst for me, one thing came after another and I hit rock bottom… but then I found you and I watched all your videos.. I enjoyed all of it, multiple times to be honest… your voice and your stories became my escape where I could take a much needed break and forget about everything for a moment.. they made me smile again ♡

    I'm sorry you had such a rough time, I really hope the new year is treating you better because if someone deserves it, it's you… you are an amazing person and exceptional talented creator! I wish you all the best for 2023, thank you again for everything ♡

  5. Happy New Year! The Cataclysm event was AMAZING, I'm constantly in awe of your story-telling and your talent. I'm so glad you went through with it despite all the struggles with everything. Congratulations, and thank you!

  6. A comment to feed the engagement overlords and to thank you Erik for dedicating so much of yourself in your work when so many things IRL on your side threatened to drain you of that energy. Your audios have been a balm for me in the lower parts of these months as well, and I hope that things truly will turn around for the better. You deserve nothing less.

  7. Happy timezone everyone and all!! I can't describe into words how your content has changed my life in such a positive way. I've been a fan for about two years, and I could never realize the how life-changing clicking on a single video would change me. I saw the how the way the channel grew in such a short time and saw the growth of our beloved characters and of their creator themselves, and never felt prouder to say that I'm a redacted fan. Erik I'm sorry that so much BS has happened to you these past few months, I personally resonate with health complications completely messing up your life and sincerely hope you are alright (whatever you're alright is). I'm sorry this sounds like a half-baked message (probably because I'm half-asleep), but I sincerely want to thank you for all the hard work that you do.

  8. I wanted to thank you for the entirety of Cataclysm. The Imperium is my favourite series and seeing you work so hard to complete this year's made me love it even more. I appreciate all the work you put into your content and I wish you all the best in the new year vv (I will never get over predicting the tiniest "Vindemiator & FL's garden" crumb)

  9. I found my way to your channel through a client, not knowing what to expect. What I found here was a home for a myriad of characters, stories, a whole world created, written, and voiced by one person. The amount of consideration, detail, time, and love you have put/continue to put into Redacted Audio still amazes me. Thanks to you, I have been able to find the desire to write for myself again. I have been writing for others for so long, forgetting my own worlds, my own creations, and keeping them locked away without realizing it. Your scripts, your audios, always unlock something within my psyche and I’m able to revisit these proverbial puzzle pieces from a safe place. I am able to dive deep without the fear of drowning. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Erik.

    I’m so sorry you’ve been going through so many complications, especially health ones. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and wish for the speediest of answers, recoveries, and everything you need, deserve this 2023 and onward. You’ve got this!

  10. Man I have no words. So much has happened this past year and without getting too lengthy I can confidently say this story and this channel has quite literally saved my life, so many days when this was my wake up call, my reason for being awake when I considered sleeping the day away because nothing else felt doable. This has been a journey and it has been one of the few life journeys I have been able to look back on positively.
    This universe that you have created is breathtaking, I am awed. I can say confidently that you are who I look up too and aspire to be like. And though I’m sad that person has to be a YouTuber I’ve never met, I wouldn’t rather it be anyone else.
    Happy new years bossman, keep going.

  11. Health first please!! It’s hard to wait for your videos because they make me so happy, even the darker ones 😁. I’ve never felt so excited before seeing that a video has been uploaded. For me I rather wait a long time for a video you’re happy/proud of plus not feel like you’re pushing it with your health. Thank you for keeping us in the loop, for the amazing videos (I’m so glad I found your channel!!) and here’s to a great new year!

  12. Erik your content is fucking amazing …. And I'm not just saying that be be kind , the amount of work you put into the characters , back stories, upcoming events, sorting out casting people etc…. There's so much you have to think about and your content is only getting better ! Thank you for the content you put out .

  13. Im so sorry for what has happened in the past, im not sure what the whole situation is because im a newer listener, but with the way your videos inpacted me, im sure its safe to say that everyone here will keep supporting you in your hard times. Take care of yourself, love you man <3

  14. oo, i’ve missed these recap videos!
    cataclysm was amazing! i loved every second of it. thank you so much for posting even with all the health issues and the conflict with the bonus audio.
    your health is first priority and it’s great that you’ve been putting yourself first!!! relating to the not being able to do anything when i’m sick 😅
    glad that ivan is gone but damn… that audio hit different
    davey’s proposal was sososo sweet 🥰🥰 it feels right for him to be the first to propose, wishing i had patreon right now 😭
    thank you redacted for the update and the audios!!

  15. putting good vibes out for you for the new year erik, thank you for all of the hard work you put in!! also damn i remember when i was the only patron at that level named mars and the shout outs were definitely shorter youve grown so much both here and over there im so proud of u!!

  16. I'm so sorry that the past few months have been so crazy for you. I really hope that things ease up and that your health gets better this year, you deserve all the good things considering everything that you do.

  17. this year has been nothing short of awful but this channel and the community surrounding it have been such a huge support for me , and i'm sure a lot of people would feel the same. i'm immensely grateful for all of the work and effort you put in , please know none of it goes unnoticed. here's to 2023 hopefully being better for all of us !😅

  18. Eric don’t even worry abt not uploading as much at the moment. Literally all of us just want you to be safe and healthy, so don’t stress yourself out too much. You’re so persistent and you’re amazing for that but take a break whenever you need it. We believe in you 💕

  19. 2023 just has to be better :(. Even through all the craziness I still loved all the content that made its way out. The David video was so unexpected yet so appreciated- and the bonus audio too- I hope things can clear up in your life and outside of all of this that it'll all get easier for you. Sometimes its more than just characters it's the fact that you put so much work in to everything even when things are hard. You're still a person who I think deserves a little slack after all you've been through recently. Thank you for all that you do and cheers to hopefully a better year for everyone. 🥰

  20. Honestly Erik’s work has made me so happy when I’m really down so please Erik take your time because your health means more than anything. Please take care ♥️♥️

  21. I love how honest you are in your recaps, with everything your going through you stay optimistic that is truly a gift to have, and your still making amazing audios that are much appreciated, I hope 2023 treats you with love, kindness, and great health, because you deserve it you are a wonderful person Erik and very very talented as well. Sending virtual love and happiness to you❤️

  22. I'm glad you're putting your health as the first priority, please take all the time that you need. As a new viewer, the bit of downtime in the past month was slightly confusing, but very welcome for catching up with the lore of your incredibly intricate world.

  23. I think i speak for all of us that we're all very much willing to wait for your content if that means you can focus on your health and get better!! Get 100% well soon! ❤️

  24. You have nothing to apologize for. What you have done is enough, what you are doing is more than enough for us. You were put out of commission by something you had no control over, none of that is your fault

    I got covid back in April right after I had gotten back on a medication that (for lack of better term) ruined my mental health within the first few weeks (before it levelled out, of course) and since then I’ve been dealing with getting over long covid, my immune system taking a nosedive, and all things having to do with the chronic pain problems I got from that, so I get it, I understand how quick that stuff can show up.

    To a better 2023, let’s hope life gets better for you, you deserve it.

    Thank you for all that you do, it is very much appreciated <3


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