It's all too much.

Thank you for taking the time to watch this video and hear what I have to say. I know that not everyone cares or has been following …


34 thoughts on “It's all too much.”

  1. Throughout this whole story , watching all the videos this absolutely breaks my heart! I’m so sorry you had to go through this, and on top of that have people shame you for asking for help! There is no shame in that! And I think anyone really listening to where your coming from should see that! I hope you get to show everyone that standing up to people who do unfair things is the right thing to do ❤️❤️❤️ I wish you all the best ! No one deserves that cruelty 😢

  2. As someone whose grown up with horses you’re an absolutely AMAZING person to be keeping Bobby safe, well cared for and now working with a trainer to help him find a home. Growing up my parent’s purchased us a little Arab who was severely abused. I got her when I was 8 years old and she was HORRIBLE! When we turned our back on her she would grab you by the shoulder and drag you down to the ground, bucked, shoulder drop, crow hopped, wouldn’t take a bit and would rear up, etc. We (more so my mom) worked with her and worked with her. She started to trust us. The trust became so strong, when she would leave the property she would completely stop eating until we would pick her up. I got her when she was five and kept her until she passed at 36 years old. Keep your chin up! There are homes that will take him in, love him, and be willing to work with him. And, I do really hope that eventually you’ll find your forever horse.

  3. We've been through this before unfortunately. The horse world is a different type of nutty. What you're doing is completely right by the horse and that's what matters at the end of the day. I really respect your thinking and it sounds like you have a great plan for Bobby. All the best!

  4. Hallo Kaylee,
    there are always people who are total keyboard warriors , do not even bother.
    I just wish YOU and BOBBY a happy outcome and that you will recover quickly from this disaster !!
    Look there is BOBBY —–>🐎 running towards his happy new life .🥰🐴
    I love you for YOU and i think you have your heart where it belongs.
    You have Our Support, feel hugged and loved Kaylee .

  5. It’s nice to see someone doing exactly what you’re doing and handling this just as you have! You haven’t done anything wrong and absolutely zero shame in asking for help! We can’t let the big money bags push is around!

  6. I've owned horses for most of my life. Sadly horses are passed from owner, to owner for their whole lives. It only takes one bad, abusive owner to severely damage a horses trust and personality. It's a cruel industry and I truly feel saddened that horses aren't viewed like our other animal friends that find their forever homes.
    I lost my boy 2 years ago. He was 32 and I was there the day he was born and was with him as he passed. Over the 32 years I was in the horse world with him, I came across so many abusive, cruel horse owners. I made so many reports to our animal welfare agencies. People think that because they are huge animals they can take a bit of a beating. They can't. They are fight and flight animals.
    I truly feel for your beautiful boy. There is someone out there that will give him a beautiful home and life. He's a gorgeous boy. Thank you for getting him the help he needs.

  7. Hi Kaylee I’ve been watching you for years now and I just wanted to say that you are one of the most genuine and kind people I’ve seen on the internet and you are so incredibly strong. From everything you’ve been through in this community to what you’ve been going through with Bobby I just want you to know you are doing an amazing job and I am so proud of you for standing your ground and not only trying to fix this situation so you can help Bobby but also help yourself out of all this stress. You are such an inspiration and you are not alone, ever! We all love you so much Kaylee ❤️

  8. Karma is a bitch. I ordered a plant from you ones which never arrived took me months to get my money back. There was 0 communication. Maybe look at yourself before complaining about another seller your having trouble with.

  9. Kaylee, you are a person. You are, from what I have seen, an amazing one. But you have been dealing with this for over a year and have reached a breaking point, which is understandable. But reaching a breaking point does not mean you are broken.

    Do what you think is best for you and Bobbie.

    As far as the people on the FB page and the GoFundMe…honestly? My blunt side wants me to say something that I’m fairly certain would break the “community guidelines,” so instead I’ll say that they are not worth your time or energy. Some people are jerks and there’s nothing for it. You were simply the target for the day; it really had nothing to do with YOU, per se.

    Just keep being you and do your best—that’s all anyone can or should ask of you—and your best seems to be phenomenal.

  10. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this and really hope it hasnt thrown you off of horse ownership! 😔 drag this sellers name through the mud and hopefully she doesn't get a chance to sell another horse. Did she drug the horse before you went to see it?? Just insanity. Poor horse too, you have to wonder what he's gone through with the previous owner 🙁 I would love to get a crack at him! Hope you find the horse of your dreams, you deserve that peace 💜

  11. I’m so sorry this is happening to you Kaylee. I’ve been watching you for over 3 years now and I can’t help but cry along with you. If been a hard year. I’m so glad you meet your original goal of 10k

  12. Sending support. If you wanna fight, go you! You are a better person than most of us.
    If not, that is 1000% fine. You have already gone above and beyond for this horse, he lucked-in when it was (unfortunately) you who was put in his charge. A lot of people would have done what was best for them and not the horse.

  13. You have already passed the mark you originally wanted, and it seems like now you want us to recoup your legal fees when there are people who have lost everything, or have to choose between rent or food, and I don't say this to be mean, just a different perspective.

  14. You are not disappointing anybody, you need to do what is best for you and for Bobby and I can see you are desperately trying to do that, there are often no good solutions in bad situations.

    While it must have been so disheartening to hear, I think your solicitor has dealt with someone like this before and has seen just how bad it can get and doesn't want to put you through it. If someone is willing to knowingly do harm to others to benefit themselves, they are not going to hesitate to abuse you through the legal system to maintain their reputation, the only thing they give a shit about. I am sending so much love & strength your way <3

  15. Sorry you’re going through so much. It’s obvious how focused you are on making sure his welfare is first, and it’s really sad to see it affecting you like this. You’re not disappointing anyone, you gotta do what’s best for you and what’s best for the horse. We’re rooting for you whatever you decide to do, and frankly f*ck the people who wanna be rude and horrible and not bother to try and look at this with some empathy. You got this ♥️

  16. I've never read the comments in her content so I don't know how this has been received overall. Her feelings are totally valid and it's small minded of others to belittle that. The only thing I can think of is the concept of sunk cost. Litigation wise, it might be a write off, based on likely outcome. And I understand why some would scoff at the idea of funding that. Her finances would go so much further put into Bobby directly. The caring and any progress there is a much more rewarding and real path even if he never quite ends up the horse she expects. Abuse can have such complex effects on the brain and the horse needs time, consistency and love. Especially if trainers have said that he's workable. A little time, love and faith will go such a long way x

  17. I just donated. Don't cry Darling! Pick up those fabulous riding boots and kick that previous owner's arse in court! Best money spent instead of buying another plant. 😉❤ from NYC.

  18. A year is such a long time to be in this stressful situation… Your heart is in the right place trying to do the best thing for the horse even though it has been nothing, but trouble for you. The seller has NASTY KARMA coming their way.

  19. I love your posts- please remember people are like a$$holes and we all have one. Be you and true to yourself, that’s what I watch the videos so don’t forget people like me who wants to see your “opinion” those who are crude rude and disrespectful are a misnomer and anything negative is just unnecessary, yea you people need to bugger off and get a life. I say that if any YouTube video triggers you that much go deal with your personal issues and stop taking out your mental issues on others. I know our society is mentally I’ll and I really am so sorry you are the brunt of those societal problems. Please post for viewers like me who take what you say as gospel or grain of salt. All in all I learn regardless. ❤️❤️❤️. Love the channel and love the content!! Stay strong and remember people are like a$$holes 🙁


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