Is This The Last Time This Decade Democrats Will Control The Senate? | FiveThirtyEight

With midterm elections in the rearview mirror, the FiveThirtyEight Politics podcast opens up the mail bag to answer lingering questions about the results. They also consider Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema’s motivations for registering as an independent and look at the latest polling on a potential presidential primary matchup between Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.



21 thoughts on “Is This The Last Time This Decade Democrats Will Control The Senate? | FiveThirtyEight”

  1. (1-((1000 polled)/(250*10^6 Americans 18+))) ^(500 polls/cycle)*(25 cycles/adult lifetime) = (1-(1/250^3))^(12500) chance to be never polled = ~95% chance to never be polled (participation is considered random)

  2. I'd say with how old and dying off the Republican party voters are, and for how strong young 18-25 voters were in swing states, even including Ohio, Republicans are the ones who have to worry about their base fizzling out, not Democrats. Republicans are dying off, or being convicted of felonies and can't vote, and so may be the way of their party.

  3. Dems could be less woke. More pro working class. Hit corporations more. They know certain culture war issues are losers for them. Executive order sick leave for railway workers. Should have passed the stock trade ban. Push ranked choice voting.

    Otherwise dems need to win AK, IA & NC to make up for OH, MT, WV. Obviously the other WI seat is natural. They should just spend campaign money to help some people relocate there to push their vote share over the edge. 27k votes was the margin this cycle.

  4. You assume covid policy would negatively affect the democrats, but in many juristictions around the world the party with the stricter covid policy got a real boost the next election. People like being alive.
    Also if you have any height at all how could you possibly not manspread in economy. Aisle window for sure

  5. Dems can really only play defense these next 2 Senate cycles. Even in 2026, where they have the most republican seats up, they don’t have many options to attack. Only Texas, Maine, and maybe North Carolina but Florida is off the ballot for now.

    They’ve kinda screwed themselves with not making many more inroads in other states. They’re on a ticking time bomb and it’s only a matter of time for them.


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