Indies Are Making The Games Nintendo Won't

And they’re crushing it!

Go show Zach some love will ya!:

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Music Credits:
Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game – Adventure Highway
Rift of the NecroDancer
Shovel Knight Dig
Mina The Hollower
Mineko’s Night Market
Swapette Shodown
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot – Fight To The Death
Cricket: Jae’s Really Peculiar Game – Homebound
Mole Mania – Beach Theme

#PAX #NintendoSwitch #Switch


46 thoughts on “Indies Are Making The Games Nintendo Won't”

  1. Indies can be nice, or they can be soulless abominations, or straight-up boring crap. For every "Cave Story" & "Stardew Valley" we have thousands (if not tens of thousands) of The Letter💩 & Rev60💩. I consider it a blessing that Nintendo strives to create top-quality games at (mostly) their own pace, not just shovel as much crap out the wheelbarrow as they can and hope something sticks to cover the costs of the crap.

  2. but they are on the switch anyway. butt BEWARE THER BE NSFW AO rateing games on there too! so if you got kids your raiseing grown ups YOU MUST USE THE PERTENAL MAGMENT CONTOLS AND LOCK YOUR KID ACOUNT INTO A PROPER AGE RESTRICTION SUTABLE FOR THERE AGE E for 3-10, E10+ 11-13 T 13-14+ tends to vary from local laws of eatch contral plesse looks up of what. also now the big painfuel ponit unfortly M rated games deiflty will have massvle overlap with the T raeting in alot of contys so M 14/18-21/25 main m reated games coudl depngi on witch contay yorun lveing is the age witch your aloted to play m and ao games will be a lagre mass up of ages! for gosh sakes look up your conterys govment mant age and of grown up conesct age laws for your own gosh sake. like this age msasive aldult age gaps that your conties old enotgh the play ma and aO games can have massive legal age gaps from contay to contray governmtns bascly is so big that this can amke a big mess due to the fact it be as low as 14 for asia/ korea/ japain, to as high has 21 or odler for the the amrecas or in the erurpe conetsint westen regons to 18 in most of eruop. so check your contreys govnent adult age of conesct laws before you try to get a ma or ao games. check witch local cotray goverents law of being coneserdf to beleagally a grown adult before you even think aobut buying m or ao games. this is such a big deal that this is the main roadblcock for imprting JRPG and wothe stuuf form asia mass meda to otehr non asia conterys is wuch a legal cultral nightmare. its not the fbi and cia fult that asia likes to have kids just at 14 years to conut bascly leagal by there laws to fully gorwn adults by law when every one esl on the golbe is 18 to 21 everwhere else by law.

  3. Why, the majority of Nintendo games are great regardless, it isn’t necessary to have fans involved into making a game for it to end up good (did Zelda BOTW needed fans input to be good??)
    Games are arts and developers are artists with a vision, their vision.

    But if you’re talking about criticism, pretty sure most Nintendo devs do (keeping what worked while changing/removing what didn’t in the next game/DLC/Update)

  4. Nintendo banks on the staples, Mario, LoZ, Mario Kart and Smash Bros and now Animal Crossing. They lucked out with getting Pokemon exclusivity and Monster Hunter, MH was why I got a 3DS to begin with. They have become content with just sticking to their money makers which makes sense but also it comes off as lazy to a degree that they don't try for new IPs, but they kinda don't have to I guess.

  5. What I like with Indies games it's that they don't fear to take some risk. I mean, the only big risk that Nintendo have took for the Switch so far It's Breath of the Wild. Exemple, Nintendo would never made something like Cadence of Hyrule with another big IP. They prefer to not take a lot of risk because of the fan and the shareholder. It's the same thing for Playstation and Xbox. Indies are freed from greedy shareholder.

  6. Whoever's reading this, i pray that whatever you're going through gets better and whatever you're struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen

  7. One indie game I am hoping will be released on the Nintendo Switch is "Freedom Planet 2", since I have been waiting since 2017 for the game to be released due to how much I loved playing the first one on the Nintendo Wii U, though I heard that it will be released on PC first.

  8. This is on purpose.
    Nintendo has a set of value comandments they will not stray from to keep their culture their culture. They allow the indies on switch to not limit their audiance. Lack of third party support is more based on said third party simply thinking the game may or may not run on switch. Nothing complicated about it at all.😁

  9. Demonschool have interesting mechanics, but I'll pass it because I'm tired of school kids setting and also the late millenial/gen Z pixel art is just not my jam. Don't like the visuals.

    If it was a game about some 30-40 years old people who find themselves in a situation where they should cooperate to survive and eventually save the day while having their own adult problems and relationships with either drawn or even low poly 3D visuals – I'd dig that.


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