Humans Are Afraid Of War | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story

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45 thoughts on “Humans Are Afraid Of War | HFY | A Short Sci-Fi Story”

  1. Gesalec's story and warning went unheeded by the Emperor. The Empress heeded the warning and took the lesson to heart.

    The lesson: Humans are the galaxy's epitome of "F@*k Around and Find Out."

  2. i was curious how long a galactic year is to an earth year. it's like 230 million years. multiply that by 170 is 38 billion earth years… that's a old dude, no wonder he's tired.

  3. Agreed whilst I do enjoy most HFY stories I do kinda find them repetitive where the story keeps on getting bigger and bigger so to speak and I would love to see more fleet based stories since most HFY stories tend to fall around a single ship, but other than that loved the story.πŸ‘

  4. So here’s a suggestion for a few weapons and ship designs, where you don’t have to use them or such it’s just my personal ideas and opinions and the first weapon would be

    A graviton torpedo where unlike most ships that utilizes plasma and high yield explosions my idea is since I’m most sci fi setting most people use things like artificial generators to prevent people from floating and so my idea is kinda borrowed from warhammer 40k gravity gun which increases the mass of a target, however like my torpedo, what happens is that it can generate a large sphere of a very powerful gravitational field which would pull anything and everything into and towards the torpedo be it ships decks, hull plating ect kinda like having a miniaturized black hole next to your ship pulling anything and everything towards it as crewmen get lifted up violently and pulled towards the walls or ceilings and if fired next to say a kinetic weapon or a hangar bay like the weapons used in Star Wars (that space battle scene in revenge of the sith) then all of those explosive canisters or arc rafts would be ripped out of their docking or holding areas resulting in a massive chain reaction or alternatively you could use an armor piercing anti graviton torpedo which does the exact same thing except it’s designed to burrow into the hulls of much larger ships and then generate a powerful positive gravitational force field which would push anything and everything outwards.

    Another weapon would be void weapons where, as soon as a target is his then a five inch spherical black void is emitted at which point the black sphere would disappear taking anything and everything that was inside that black orb along with it, be it armor or organic matter leaving only a massive gaping hole in the targets body.

    Finally whilst not a weapon but more of a ship, it follows a similar principle to say rhetorical UNSC frigates being nothing more than a massive cannon however it would be akin to turning something like the halo ODP and turning it into a ship being operated by a very small crew, relying heavily on AI and automated systems however being that it’s basically just a gun in space with some engines makes it ideal for mass deployment using the Gunboat tactics where small ships during the 1800 would be fitted with a single massive cannon and that’s about it either that or it could be operated by a single crew of about ten people

  5. Pride goeth before the fall.
    Clearly these guys had no version of Sun Tsu on their world. Might have saved them their lives and empire.

    I do appreciate an alien who actually listens and is willing to do so without pride. Far too few amazing tacticians it seems can do that.

  6. That's the best hfy sci-fi stories I heard well done without that always mentioning the indomitable spirit or implications sinking in.

    Mixing of the words not always using them twice and especially telling the story from view of a neutral person

  7. Criticism ? ? ? Ever since I began listening at your stories. I spent hour listening. . . I am retired so I have lots of free time and I can spend a whole day at it. . . The lady do not like it😁

  8. So someone probably already said this but. Since you already use different voices you could potentially drop some of the "person said" notation now i umderstand if its someone elses story so you might not want to but you know a persons already speaking after the 4th time it says "person said"

  9. Not wanting to be "that guy" but the following came to mind while listening to this…. So these aliens don't know about this history of a species they are planning war upon???, yet the author claims 80 galactic yrs ago humanity commited genocide here, and made the planet a sanctuary of rememberence etc… and these aliens are in orbit around this very planet, and wouldn't know this.. especialy since this is a governing council of war not a couple of janitors drinking on duty…. it seems a bit inconsistend that especialy the higher levels of the alien government wouldn't know this. Now on the other hand, a galactic year is 225 million earth years, so it could be 8*225 1800000000 earth years ago, which could explain it but seems implausible on its own, but since one of the allien speaks about a mere few decades ago in a reply to the 80 yr statement I suspect the author doesn't mean galactic years but normal years or a aproximation there off and that the author put the word galactic in front of year to make it seem "spacey" πŸ˜‰


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