How to Use Chat GPT for e-mail Prospecting

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Hey, everyone! I wanted to share my experience using ChatGPT to help me write more effective and personalized e-mails, and why I think it could be a game-changer for Account Executives and BDR’s.

ChatGPT is an AI-powered language model that helps you craft compelling e-mails that resonate with your prospects.

I was blown away by how easy and intuitive it was to use.

With just a few inputs about my target audience and the key message I wanted to convey, ChatGPT generated multiple variations of e-mails that sounded natural and authentic.

But the real power of ChatGPT is in its ability to help you tailor your e-mails based on various factors, such as the recipient’s job title, industry, location, and past interactions with your company.

This level of personalization can significantly increase your chances of getting a response and moving the conversation forward.

That’s why I highly recommend checking out my most recent sales training video that shows you how to use ChatGPT in your own business.

It’s a quick and easy way to learn how to use this tool effectively and start seeing results in your outreach.

P.S. – To prove my point, I had ChatGPT write this post and I made a few edits to fit my style. Not bad, huh?


4 thoughts on “How to Use Chat GPT for e-mail Prospecting”

  1. Ian, big fan of this. Any reason you didn’t ask chatgpt to keep the email under 100 words? I feel like a C suite wouldnt bat an eye for an email that you cant read while on the toilet…

  2. Hi Ian, Awesome tip. I have been using ChatGPT, also Hemingway App for wording under 100 and Grade 7 reading.
    It takes time to refine the search, however once it is programmed accordingly – it is a cool tool.

  3. Great Insight Ian! One thing I like doing as well is changing the tone and length of the email. For example: "Make it more personable and refine it to 2 paragraphs"


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