How to play good tennis all the time and every time

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In today’s session, we explain how to test the rotation on your forehand stroke.
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5 thoughts on “How to play good tennis all the time and every time”

  1. Novak is usually good at follow through, very good. He was interviewed following one of those tough matches Steve refers too. The journalist asked him how his hands were, are they ok? Not known if they had been plaguing Novak but this really caught my eye because Novak has been hitting hard since age 4 or 5. His voice said yes as in yes my hands are fine but what raised my ATTENTION bigtime was his head shook NO*

    Of course any champion will mask an injury that's only prudent. You don't want your opponents smelling blood. But this shaking his head counter to his vocal yes meant something was definitely not 100%. He himself confessed it was perhaps the worst grand slam semi final of his career. Indeed he decided to take time off tour to assess the situation. Lingo for my doctor will have the call. He was most certainly out of sorts and almost certainly injured some where. I believe he had RSI or tendonitis in his hands which might explain perfectly what Coach Steve picked up on.

    Thanks Steve every shot deserves good follow through and yes that temporary hold. Teaching and convincing yourself to always do it didn't work for Novak this AO but if you can subconsciously train your brain to do this really often. You're doing yourself a big favour.


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