How I Really Wanted CoD Zombies To End

Ace Of Spades by Motörhead
All rights are reserved to the respective owners of the music.

Monty: With the evil vanquished, I can start making it all nice again. No undead, no Apothicons, no Shadowman. All of it gone, forever, but, here’s the funny thing. You snowflakes shouldn’t even still be here. You should be fading out of existence by now. Those blood vials…

Richtofen: I was wondering when you would bring this up.

Monty: They’re from realities we already closed off. They shouldn’t be here, they CAN’T be here! Such a paradox means you’re putting my perfect world at risk. You guys and your bloody free will. What to do? WHAT TO DO? Well, you certainly can’t stay here.

Richtofen: You could send us somewhere else, somewhere we’ve never been.

Monty: Mhm, I suppose I could make a little corner somewhere in history. A place where I can dump some of the other shit that I have left over, or I just wipe you from existence…

Ooh, hang on! Actually, that all works out perfectly!

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