‘Help now’: Ukraine calls out for assistance from a silent Australian government

Ukraine “needs more help now” as requests mount for retired helicopters from the Australian government but no response has been given, Ukrainian World Congress Vice President Stefan Romaniw says.

“We thank the Australian government for standing strong with Ukraine – we are calling out for support, Ukraine needs military support, now,” Mr Romaniw told Sky News contributor Steve Price.

“I’ve just come back from Ukraine, the military there has asked to pass on a message, ‘help now because we need it now, Russian attacks are horrendous at the moment’.

“We believe that these Taipans, these helicopters would be of great need in Ukraine – for us, very, very important that we get the message across to the Australian government.

“Ukraine needs more help now.”


32 thoughts on “‘Help now’: Ukraine calls out for assistance from a silent Australian government”

  1. Ukraine must not be helped. It is a lost war. They have been used by the US to fight Russia for NATO eastward expansion and failed. The US abandoned it, why should Australia spend a single penny to finance the lost aggression which has got nothing to do with it? The public has been led to believe that it's Russian aggression, but in fact, it is the other way around.
    Australia has been right to reject the request to get involved with the Red Sea fight.

  2. Help help help that's all I hear how bout fix your own mess you caused yourself just because the eu and west were in your ears telling you what you should do you still get the make the final decision zelenski you fffed up and your country is toast on your watch if you had such so said balls you would have told the west and eu are you guys stupid my country will be destroyed with your stupid ideas but nope you wanted the fame and line your pockets this is what you get suck it up big boy zelenski

  3. What a disgusting scum nation. Australia and New Zealand needs to remember they begged the U.S to supply equipment and manpower in WW2 which America also saved this part of the world. Commonwealth nations are useless which the U.S saved many times over and over.

  4. lol comfortable and safe Australians sitting at home feigning outrage at a country asking for support in defending European democracy. Pretty sure Ukraine is outraged at their country being invaded, wonder which outrage has more value

  5. So this Is Rupert Mardochs news organization doing Zelensky bidding in the name of news . He was in Ukraine 2 months ago to assess if the media was doing a job . He got a No from Zelensky. So here we are.

  6. Zelensky needs to sign the minsk agreement. Stop giving Australian tax dollars away. For the globalist money laundering scheme. Where has our 14 billion dollars already gone? The Australian people have a right to know. Zelensky should go to the front line & fight. Average age of a Ukraine solider is 43. Stop the war. You criminals!

  7. The best thing that can happen if for the corrupt Ukraine govt resign .Start afresh and sit down at the table and work out a way to settle peacefully .Putin asked for this ,but Nato ,the USA etc,WHO WANT TO CONTROL THEIR RESORCES .Poked their noses in and made sure there was war.Thousands of lives wasted for greed


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