HC Sean Payton on instilling tempo: 'We want to make it harder here than it is in the game'

Head Coach Sean Payton discusses Thursday’s red-zone drills and the arrival of officials to practice.

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36 thoughts on “HC Sean Payton on instilling tempo: 'We want to make it harder here than it is in the game'”

  1. Payton has remarkable command presence. Hackett tried to do that well, but Payton just seems more natural. I would definitely prefer Payton as my commanding officer over Hackett. Mark my words, Sean Payton will be HCOY again, sooner or later.

  2. All i can say is when payton came to New Orleans, our city was still destroyed from hurricane katrina. I think in 2005 we were 3-13 in 2006 we went 10-6 and a trip to the nfc championship that was a first in franchise history going to the nfc championship.

  3. Denver doesn’t even know football yet. Even with all the prior success you all don’t know what the mile high about to do! It about to be a mock WW3 war zone on any opponent dat enter. You ain’t seen a real coach like this man yet. Wait n see

  4. I’m going to leave the same comment on each of these videos. The Broncos are a first class team, but not when it comes to these press conferences. We cannot hear the questions asked by the reporters so the answers by the coaches and players are semi-worthless. We often don’t know who or what they are talking about. Listen to your viewers/fans and buy mics and make people use them!!

  5. If this was a Hackett press conference: Oh gosh oh golly gee im so excited for the season oh goodness someone pinch me icant believe im a head coach this is like when luke skywalker…


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