We Found A Castle Floating In Space, How It Got There Haunts Us | HFY Full Story

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Wrote myself, feedback is appreciated!

HFY, HFY Story, HFY Short Story, HFY War
Science Fiction, Sci-Fi Story, Sci-Fi Short Story, Sci-fi HFY
Humans are Space Orcs
Reddit HFY Stories, Reddit Stories, Reddit Humans are Space Orcs, Reddit Sci-Fi Stories
HFY Stories, Short story for sleep, fantasy sleep story


4 thoughts on “We Found A Castle Floating In Space, How It Got There Haunts Us | HFY Full Story”

  1. The beginning has no context, so very little that is said has any meaning.

    The word choice is not very good. It's overly flowery and uses a lot of tired expressions.

    Stygian halls ~ how are halls related to the river Styx?
    cryptic warnings
    humanity held its breath
    weird energy ~ why is it weird?
    breath echoed ~ seriously?
    looming castle
    sensors blared a warning ~ huh? I guess you meant a warning blared, but the word choice makes little sense. This would more likely be some kind of beep, buzz, whistle or verbal warning
    voice steady and focused ~ how can a voice be focused?
    hovered at the gaping entrance ~ huh? Maybe you meant waited or hesitated.
    a mural?
    how would they know the war was ancient?

  2. This AI is all over the place! If you aren't going to take the time to check its work AT ALL, I'm not going to take the time to try to read it. This stuff should be embarrassing for you! Horrible.


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