Greatest Bakhmut Victory Ukraine Army Smashes Russian Tank Convoy On Us Himars Supply Line


20 thoughts on “Greatest Bakhmut Victory Ukraine Army Smashes Russian Tank Convoy On Us Himars Supply Line”

  1. It is truly AMAZING how profoundly and amazingly STUPID and😮 INCOMPETENT Vampire Pigturd and IT's Mafia- Monkeys are! The Demon doesn't EVER LEARN or ADAPT to ITs' pathetic situation, and instead, just keeps on slaughtering ITs' own people!😢
    The inhumanity and SUBhumanity of this 👹 Monster is thus proven and demonstrated!😢

  2. Ukraine is proving they are much smarter than Russia. Every day Russia losses it can't outsmart Ukraine.
    Putin's Russia has a too higher opinion of themselves. Their losses and their poor organisation show their weakness.

  3. Putin and Oligards should pay back what have been stolen from Russia so far. A number of palace build for their lavish life and cruze ships should be sold to help Russia and Ukraine, according to Alexei Navanly the political lawyer exposed Putin and Oligards in the past that he is in prison as Putin frighten from him.

  4. So are US soldiers on the ground in those trenches fighting the Russians?.Or is this clickbait nonsense the EU and the UK have gave good weapons and training.Are Ukrainian soldiers being trained in the US because they are being trained in EU nations and the UK for when the fighting gets up close and personal.Easy to target something press a button its great but its got to be fought other ways.

  5. Rasputin why dont u do d descent thing n give up with hands up remember you can run as,fast as your legs,take you where are you going to hide you poisinous evil adversary to Belzeebub n Rattli ng bones r waiting to greet u wit fire not firewater VODKA THE END IS NIGH THE WHOLE WORLD WILL HAVE PEACE MIGHTY AMERICA might declare it a yearly public holiday in honour of. Sir zelensky n his people SLAVA FREEDOM PEACE ON EARTH JESUS PLEASE THERE PEACE INNOCENT PEOPLE HAVE DIED NEEDLESLEY PEACE TO ALL MEN OF GOOD WILL ALELLUYA AMEN YOURSIN CHRIST CAXF

  6. The content and analysis of this video presentation are absolutely excellent. Unfortunately the pronunciation and spelling mistakes of the subtitles are so horrible that it causes enormous damage to the overall product. EYL News should do a far better job in compiling a list of cities and important names of people frequently used in the videos to help train the narrators to pronounce them correctly along with points of inflection, and use the list to guide the software or person when constructing the subtitles. In short the narration mistakes along with the subtitle mistake are absolutely horrible and detracts from the professionalism of the video product.

  7. is this a production of information that is made by a Ukrainian company? Not complaining, they seem to present a lot of information on past and ongoing arming of the UA military without giving any tactical planning the UA is engaged. U.S. news programs could learn something from this.

  8. I've just worked out why they are messing up names etc. They are using an AI translator in their langauge and feeding the result, unedited, straight into the subtitle tramslator, which is not AI. If it were a real English speaker, they would not say the town name correctly one minuite then butcher it the next!


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