Free Pokefair Select? EX Roles Are GAME CHANGING! Dev Letter 51 Reaction! | Pokemon Masters EX

Video Title: Free Pokefair Select? EX Roles Are GAME CHANGING! Dev Letter 51 Reaction! | Pokemon Masters EX

0:00 Dev Letter
21:43 Update Notice

*Remember, Datamined info is not official or 100% accurate, it can change at any time!

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25 thoughts on “Free Pokefair Select? EX Roles Are GAME CHANGING! Dev Letter 51 Reaction! | Pokemon Masters EX”

  1. My issue with special present banner is that you need to actually pull the unit to get the cake
    Some might be lucky and only need to spend 3k paid
    But others might end up spending 36.4k gems, which would cost anywhere from $/£39 if you were prepared to upwards of £320/$500
    But getting role cake on 2nd or 3rd (6k-9k paid) multi would be more reasonable

  2. what I don't like about the master fair special present thing is you only get the roll cake if you also get the unit… it's like layered gambling it feels very scummy. I wouldn't mind if I could just do a multi on the paid banner, get the cake, then spark on the normal banner with my actual free gems (since I'm assuming the banners don't share scout points… which is also lame

  3. I do believe the EX role might actually further raise the sync pair's stats. When entering the upgrade menu for a sync pair and tapping on "EX role", you get this explainer that, in part, says "When an EX role is unlocked, it raises the stats and strengthens the effects of sync pair's sync move when that sync pair has been raised to 6-star EX." While this isn't definitive, it does suggest there may be some type of stat boost when the EX role is unlocked.

  4. Absol has a chart. The roll cake gives 60 hp and variations of 20/40 on the other stats like strikes att+speed Sprint is 40 speed 20 offences feild is high speed 20 defences

  5. I’m sure I’m in the minority, but I’m actually excited for another Coop event. I always enjoy playing with others!

    As an OG player though, I remember the grind it was in the beginning of the game haha.


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