Goodbye Rooster Teeth

This is the greatest content group of All Time
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37 thoughts on “Goodbye Rooster Teeth”

  1. I will always cherish some of the memories from AH and one I havent seen tlaked about in a while is Funhaus. The Alekhine's Gun series and Dark Messiah stuff from Funhaus is top tier.

  2. So I definitely was caught up in the Red vs Blue years of rooster teeth but came back to them when RWBY dropped. Though sadly after season 5 that show basically became a dumpster fire. As sad as it is I think I'm with everybody else when I say it's time to lay rooster teeth to rest.

  3. I grew up watching Achievement Hunter. They were my go-to for entertainment after school every single day. The boys hold a very special place in my heart. Unfortunately, seeing their downfall (especially after the whole situation with people who will not be named that happened in 2020) has driven me away from them. Too many people was the first issue; some of the newcomers just didn't mesh well with the crew IMO. Not Jeremy, though. He's a GOAT.

    Their classic videos still crack me the fuck up though. Rewatching their giant Minecraft, GTA V, and other series (especially Play Pals) will ALWAYS bring a smile to my face.
    So long, AH. So long, RT.

  4. Not surprised. It was a big mix of reasons why they failed. I was a huge fan since the beginning and watched every second of their content but here are a few reasons.

    1 They lost a few of their big personalities
    2 they began getting very political
    3 they stopped a lot of their big popular fun series
    4 they weren't willing to adapt to the market

  5. It's probably just a correlation, but the decline of Rooster Teeth kind of mirrors the decline of Halo. Halo is how I discovered RT (probably looking up Halo content or montages on YT back in 2009).

  6. I haven't watched most of their shows and heard some bad things about outside the shows, but I do hope that the original Red vs Blue series are preserved, at least up to Church's goodbye.

    Because that's both some Youtube history and also just such an evolution of story and recontextualization. Nomad was nice passivism and Camp Camp had some good times.

  7. Roosterteeth didn't end because their audience's preferences changed thats bullshit, Roosterteeth ended because their content and their featured personalities got worse.

  8. Welp Monty Oum's death lead to RT's downfall and fun fact an artist named Dishwasher was a former concept artist at RT before becoming wht he is today as an indie illustrator


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