Getting My Ferrets Used to the Smell of the New Rescue Boys #ferrets #liveanimals

00:00 Hello!
03:00 Giving Wriggles some hand-feeding love & a catch up about the Rescue boys upstairs
09:17 Is Cappi the cat finally coming to say hello to the ferrets?
13:55 Wriggles & Scruffles having a good sniff of the rescue boys smell on my shoes
20:27 Treat time!
26:00 Scruffy goes to bed while Wriggles does diggy diggy
03:11:20 Digging is how Wriggles blows off steam
03:57:40 A late night clean in the hanging basket
04:20:20 Tunnelling Scuffles
04:28:08 Scruffles plays while a spider weaves in front of the camera
04:36:33 Scruffles climbs to the top of the outside sleep cage
04:37:40 A sneaky late night treat from Kate

Lots more happened during this stream, but it would be impractical for me to log it all 😊 If you want to see more than the couple of events I have highlighted just jump about the timeline in the player window and see what treasures you uncover. If you see something adorable or funny, make a clip! I turn the best viewer clips into content!

Join our live family-friendly ‘ferrets playing’ sessions daily at 10am & 6pm UK time (except Friday evening, which is our night off!).

Join the Official Floof Crew to get access to perks, like members only videos and shout-outs for random members on the channel page and video descriptions. You’ll also have a special badge to wear in live chats, which changes the longer you are a member. Plus unique chat emotes. Follow this link to join:

Chat with Kate and ask any questions you have. If the ferrets are asleep when you pop by, you can rewind the live player to the very start and watch the last playtime. If it is between 11pm and 10am on the embedded clock there will be no playtime as Keeper Kate is asleep! You might be lucky and catch one of the ferrets coming out for a night-time snuffle though if you scan through the timeline 🙂 Thanks for coming to visit – check out our homepage for loads more fun floofy content including regular vlogs, tips and how to guides and general ferret silliness!

Our ferrets play out here night and day, loving to dig in the sandpit and coming nose to nose with the local wildlife. If they are not out when you stop by, we have hundreds of cute clips from both inside and out for you to enjoy. Check the links below.



Wildlife caught on camera – highlights:


Launch Video:

Random Cuteness:

Highlights Week 1:

Highlights Week 2:

Latest from Ferret Tube:

#familyfriendly #ferretsplaying #owningferrets #fun #フェレット #Furets #Frettchen #Ferrets #Huron #雪貂 #cute #cuteanimals #adorable #wholesome #petcare #tips #tricks #mylifewithferrets #livingwithferrets #ferretlife #katerussell #petenclosure #petplaytime #ferretadventure #petowner #tips #animalbehaviour #petcare #DIYpetprojects


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