From Above – Rimworld Ideology Ep. 16 [Rimworld Cold Bog Randy 500%]

In this episode of our Rimworld Ideology challenge in the Cold Bog, we have to deal with our first raiding party with guns and continue to expand the Cult of Jingz. ► Full Playlist:

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In this episode of Rimworld Ideology, we continue our 500% Naked Brutality run in the cold bog. Strenghtened by two new bears and several new muffalos, the Cult of Jingz is looking stronger than ever. To further increase their numbers, a Festival of Trees brings Armando to the village of Livienna – a capable crafter with good combat skills. And those combat skills are needed very soon, as we experience our first pirate raid: The enemies are coming in hot with drop pods and despite being scattered all over the map, this is the first real test for our small colony. Going up against raiders with proper guns, the Cult of Jingz shows what they are made off and defends Livienna well – ultimately driving off the attackers and suffering only a few minor injuries in the process.

0:00 Intro
0:59 Gameplay
17:45 Fan Art / Outro

► Full Playlist of this Rimworld Ideology Challenge:

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The Cold Bog is one of Rimworld’s more challenging biomes: A frosty, marshy wetland overgrown with vegetation, survival in this swamp biome will not be easy as we have to deal with frequent diseases, short growing periods, slow movement speed on the swampy soil and an overall lack of solid terrain to build upon. Additionally, we are settling on a tile featuring both a large river as well as a coast to the sea, so space will come at a premium in this playthrough.

We are starting with a modified Rimworld Naked Brutality scenario, leaving our starting colonist Spectral Phoenix with no food, items, research or equipment to start her journey in the cold bog – not even clothes. We are also making our starting colonist a member of a tribe, severely lowering the speed with which new projects are unlocked. The goal of this Rimworld Ideology challenge in the cold bog is to start with absolutely nothing and survive the dangers of the swamp on Randy Random “Losing is fun difficulty” with the threat scale cranked up to 500%.

With the Rimworld Ideology DLC and the Rimworld 1.3 update, we also see the introduction of completely customizable belief systems and we begin by choosing “Tree Connection” as our starting meme – the foundation of our ideology. Additionally, we see social roles, rituals, hunts for ancient relics and cross-cultural interaction introduced to Rimworld, as well as the mystic Gauranlen trees and the brand new Archonexus ending.

Rimworld is a Sci-Fi colony builder simulation game focused on managing a small group of survivors with the goal of eventually building a space ship to escape the planet. Rimworld is developed and published by Ludeon Studios. After a successful Kickstarter campaign, the game went through several Alpha and Beta versions before seeing the release of the Rimworld 1.0 version in October 2018.

Mod List:

HugsLib by UnlimitedHugs

Harmony by Brrainz

CM Color Coded Mood Bar by CrashM

Common Sense by avil

[FSF] Complex Jobs by FrozenSnowFox

No Research 1.3 by NewsofPE

EdB Prepare Carefully by edbmods

Fahrenheit and Celsius by Kosaro

Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings

All Rimworld Ideology gameplay for this Rimworld Ideology Challenge was recorded on the PC in 1440p.

Thumbnail artwork by Sunnybrook1


39 thoughts on “From Above – Rimworld Ideology Ep. 16 [Rimworld Cold Bog Randy 500%]”

  1. Let me know how you would handle that prisoner quest and where you would like to see the Cult of Jingz go from here! Stay tribal? Switch to better weapons soon? Any ideas on how we could prolong the tribal portion of the game without becoming underpowered? Let me know down below! ► Full Playlist:

  2. Low-tech playstyle until checkpoint please! It's much more fun when there's a challenge and a real sense of potential loss. Drama is a part of Rimworld, and maybe the colony will be lost, but that's simply life. You might also surprise yourself and do better than you expected.

  3. I would love to see the story progress as the cult gets in touch with other types of Tech that would eventually lead them (in their own manner) to a sort of social evolution from where it all started. The Star Wars, He-Man, aesthetic aproach to it, mantaining both melee, tribal types of wear with some sort of integrated tech would be great.

  4. I’d love to see you try and push the low tech theme as far as you can go but if it gets desperate you can use whatever. One specific idea I had while watching I’d like to mention though I’d later on Neolithic weapons having a more significant cultural importance, perhaps the guards of the holy temple of trees wield bows and spears while the main militia uses modern weaponry. I love the idea of constructing an opulent temple so that could be something to do later on if anything to raise wealth

  5. As long as you keep the masks, the trademark of your clan, everything is fine. But I think it would be better if you raid and steal Technology rather then build it yourself. Or storywise after a raid you find blueprints and than you can lern the new Technologies. If you got raided you get one blueprint. And if you raid, you get 2-3 new Technologies.

  6. With food in no short supply and Spring around the corner, I say recruit the man! You'll be able to make your own masterwork slab beds as time goes on, but a guaranteed and exceptional colonist beats the free bed outright IMO.

  7. I would say, try to stick to the plan with neolitic and medieval tech, but have plan to switch, if it goes too badly.
    Make tons of traps around the village. Let the enemy die even before they see your village, let them fear the Woods of Jinx!
    Also bear army and recruit Randy. 🙂

  8. i think it's about time to leave the neolithic age. as fun as it is, one unlucky combination of tribal raid + siege the next day and it could very well be over. I'd rather watch this series some time longer 🙂
    also, Randy is better than a bed and you might even give Randy Random a good mood 😉

  9. Only a casual observer here, not sure what's possible. But I think the 'nature's army' route with lots of attack animals would be entertaining and keeping with the theme. At least for the first phase. I don't see a problem with using scavenged weapons though, anyone would.

  10. I just got the the end of this playlist, and discovered your currently playting this playthrough! Quite dissapointing, as I was binge watching this series, however you've just gained a subscribe from me, and I'll be watching for your future uploads. Your way of telling rimworld storys is the best I have come across. By far my favourite Rimworld Youtube Channel. Can't wait for the next episode.

  11. I think the cult of Jingz should stay mostly neolithic and medieval to fit with the whole swamp dwelling tribals theme. However maybe after a particularly bad raid Armando might inform the cult of guns and the tribe may grab a bolt action or two, but not really grab too many guns to both maintain the neolithic culture and have a sort of stubbornness and attachment to the old ways of hunting with a bow.

  12. This comment is a bit late, but there are neolithic mods out there. They keep everyone at neolithic level, but for this playthrough, I think a medieval mod would be best. That way you can keep your leather armors and such.

    To be honest, I'm not even sure if its possible to do Archonexus if you don't use a mod if you're staying neolithic. At around 200k wealth and above, you start getting hit with explosive pirate breacher raids where they all have grenades, triple rockets, doomsdays, and molotovs. Having some pawns with skip, berserk pulse, and invis will definitely soften those up, but you have mech raids, too. Without being able to use EMP grenades, hammers, and launchers, they will cut through a neolithic base like butter. Without smoke launchers or smoke grenades, taking out mech drops that have multiple long range turret emplacements will have a very high butcher's bill.

  13. Oh no. I'm up to date with the series. I started the royalty serie 2 weeks ago and… Here we are. Sad because I can't see 4 episodes for day anymore. 🙁
    Great work, really, you're amazing!

  14. Well the only way i can see a tribal Base flourish wich such a high threat scaling would be a total death Maze with traps everywhere u can step and chokepoints all over the place to make airdrops not as hurtfull as they can be.

    still… with weapons capped at the tribal stage there is only so much Armor Pen % with ranged weapons… that i would go all out melee and melees without the tough trait are just posers IMO.

  15. Possibly a sideways approach but you could, theoretically, move the cult.

    Maybe their swamp home is too well known, so they uproot and move, rake up the essentials and find new, more fertile and defensible lands. There's a reason people don't live in bogs much after all!

    As always though, looking forward to the series 🙌

  16. Keeping the tribal feel can remain without limiting the tech. Like wooden buildings, totemic poles, locked up armor and higher tech weapons, etc. So hunting is still done with bows and such.
    It's shows a 'neccessity required our technological development, but we remember our origins and honor them'.
    Thematically it feels extremely fitting doing so imo.

  17. In Warhammer (the table top miniature game) there is this concept of MSU – Multiple Small Units.

    Consider having three or four clusters of buildings. A huge raid comes in – there is always shelter to run to, passive traps in between, an army of bears to soften them up and plenty of space to expand/retract as necessary.

    I don’t know if it would work with RimWorld, but it seems mathematically sound off the cuff.

  18. I think Pete knows a lot of us listen to these while we go to sleep so he makes all the ads those ones that are like 4 minutes long if you don’t hit the skip button… cunning bastard that Pete.

  19. 14:45 I know I'm a month behind and all that, but I think you should go on a similar path to real life cargo cult tribals, or a more realistic take on the anime Doctor Stone (where a guy makes a working phone with stone age tools).

    Basically, only use guns that enemies drop (this includes not buying them from merchants), and you can't, for example, equip a sniper rifle until everyone has at least an SMG, and you can't equip SMGs until everyone's got a pistol, because your group has to "learn" how these weapons work.

    On top of this, you can't research certain things until after you've gotten one on a raid. Like the battery. It's not really the gateway into every other electronic, but it's probably the most basic thing to research after Electricity, but you can't research it until you've either collected a battery on a raid, or dismantled a battery during a raid. Solar Panels, for similar reasons, are something that you could put an arbitrary number on that you must destroy before your researcher can begin "discovering" how they work. Like, break all the solar panels in two separate raids, and your researcher can now research how to make your own.

    This way, you get the usage of guns a bit earlier, while still holding to the tribal aesthetic for a while longer, give yourself more reasons to go on raids, even if the actual reward isn't stellar, and it gives a good in-universe reason for why the cult of Jingz suddenly understands how to make, say, machining tables.

  20. I know I'm late, but I think if you upgrade tech, the memes and practices of the cult should become more extreme and Neolithic in their intentions. More executions, stricter precepts, etc.

  21. Lol I thin pete is getting revenge on him because he's called Randy .. Just think about it. He's PARALYZED and he was stuffed in a room with some rhino corpses? Oh don't like that .. well here you go your new room is a cave full of dead people and two tame but decidedly man eating grizzly bears who could mistake you for another snackrifice at any given moment! That's PTSD material right there!


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