Forest of Antique Cars, Trucks & Tractors at Auction! Ford, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Plymouth collection!

Mr. Goodpliers looks at a collection of vintage cars trucks, tractors and more old relics! Check out the rows of Cadillac, Pontiac, Plymouth, Ford, Chevrolet, Allis Chalmers, International Harvester, Farmall, and John Deere, then catch the auction action!


48 thoughts on “Forest of Antique Cars, Trucks & Tractors at Auction! Ford, Chevrolet, Pontiac, Plymouth collection!”

  1. Even if that 57 Safari couldn't have been restored a complete trim and glass car will still bring good money remember those where hard to find in the1970's let alone now, Thanks for another good video please keep them coming.

  2. The Fury wagon is the only one with restoration potential but who wants one and especially a base one. Good derby car. The 2 dr Pontiac wagon has good value but not when compared to restoration cost for that one. We see you buying a lot but never selling anything?

  3. It was vinita I was there Lester miller auction bought a couple vintage tvs and few other things if had some bucks I would have gave everyone a run for there money for a few of them cars not that I need anymore did buy a rusty riding mower I think for twelve dollars broken steering column believe it or not got it running didn't take much runs pretty good

  4. Lots of cool small items. That Price Albert tin was almost big enough for the man himself lol. That triangle sign surprised me at what it went for, but then you showed what can be done to bring the lettering back.

  5. Don't get me wrong I know a lot of these are considered parts cars but I find it quite disrespectful and sad that a bunch of blokes just sit on the hood's and the fenders of cars that people are going to potentially buy.

  6. These videos you do are so well done. However, they're Very Depressing at the same time. So many auctions, so many farms going under. It's just sad. You do a great job on the videos. One of the Best channels on YouTube.

  7. I really enjoyed the filming of the farm tractors being auctioned off you focused in on each one individually it gives me a good idea of what they go for that condition.
    Job well done 👍

  8. Here'a a bit of history trivia for you….about 28 minutes in, you show the Crosley refrigerator. Not only did Crosley make radios, appliances and even small cars–but they were the very first (and held the patent for a number of years so others couldn't) to offer shelves built into the refrigerator door for storage. That's where the name Shelvador comes from.

  9. The PONTIAC wagon was a Chieftan Safari. That was the low end dog of the Safari world. The high dollar ones are Star Chiefs and have much more chrome, a different roof line, different windows (like a Noma), had leather interior, and were very rare. This car was probably pretty rare, but it was very low end compared to what I call the real Safari. I sure could have used some parts off of that Rambler American. The 57 Ford sedan would have been ok too. Most everything else looked like scrap. I guess scrap cars bring $300 now.

  10. Great auction video. Classic tire and sign from the Fisk Tire Company in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts where I grew up. It later became a Uniroyal plant. Interesting in that Gates Rubber Company in Denver was still going gangbusters in 1978 when I moved here. Both plants are history

  11. My ex had a Caprice Classic. When she bought a new car (Geo Metro) she took it to Standard Auto Wreckers in Eastern Toronto., who offered her $50 cdn. Another customer was there looking for Caprice parts and offered her $80 cdn , Scrappie said "Get that piece of junk off my property. Early 1990s

  12. That's so wild! Those first few minutes in the video…Here all of those cars have been sitting for so long and yet I can remember those basically rolling off of the line and brand new. I guess time flies when you're having fun. LOL! Total flashback to the time riding the 20" bike down the street and seeing the Chevelle parallel parked, etc. And lemme guess: It ran about $2,600 from the dealer. Go figure.

  13. Still be a shame to scrap those when parts are getting so scarce! Good job you do on documenting this. This kind of stuff is just about gone in SW VA. Anything that sits that long here just rots from the humidity unless stored inside.


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