Flying Saucer Found On Mars By Alien Robot! (technically true, Lol) #shorts

NASA/JPL’s Ingenuity Helicopter drone took some amazing photos showing the backshell of Perserverance’s landing hardware, still attached to the parachute which was used for landing on Mars. This was detached just before the Skycrane ignited its rocket engines for the soft touchdown, and it would have continued to fall under the parachute to an uncontrolled landing on Mars. But even with most of the mass gone, the parachute wasn’t enough to give it a soft landing and it’s a great example of why we need rocket engines to soft land on Mars.

Background music is ‘Looping ascent’ by Joel Cummins

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44 thoughts on “Flying Saucer Found On Mars By Alien Robot! (technically true, Lol) #shorts”

  1. The object resembles a flying saucer that crashed on Mars.

    And indeed it is.

    But it doesn’t belong to aliens.

    Sign up for Science Times Get stories that capture the wonders of nature, the cosmos and the human body. Get it sent to your inbox.
    Instead, the wreckage is the work of NASA, a component called a backshell that detached during the landing of the Perseverance rover on the surface of the red planet in February 2021.

  2. Oh thanks this space craft sent by my great great great grandfather to mars 200 years ago you find it kindly search the crew please 🛸🛸🛸👨‍✈️👩‍✈️👮‍♂️👮‍♀️👨‍🏭👫 pictures shared for your convenience please find them

  3. they ran out of space on earth to throw garbage and now theyre just dumping it on another planet. great start pigs! the future of mars looks promising 😆

    i find it hilarious all "alien ships" look alike and like they looked in the 60s 😆 🤣 😂


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