Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands – Part 22 – Water Way To Go

Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands continues, as we turn our attention to the somewhat bizarre Waters of Life, which does at least open the door to some powerful upgrades…

Fallout 3 on Steam – https://store.steampowered.com/app/22370/Fallout_3_Game_of_the_Year_Edition/
Fallout: New Vegas on Steam – https://store.steampowered.com/app/22380/Fallout_New_Vegas/

Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands download – https://taleoftwowastelands.com/download_ttw
Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands detailed installation guide – https://thebestoftimes.github.io/intro.html
Fallout NVSE JohnnyGuitar 4.90 hotfix – https://github.com/carxt/JohnnyGuitarNVSE/releases
(Benny Humbles You) and Steals Your Stuff – https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/71112

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Fanfare for Space, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


28 thoughts on “Fallout: Tale of Two Wastelands – Part 22 – Water Way To Go”

  1. It's truly staggering how quickly technology advanced. Because in the Commonwealth, if I just put the dirty water from my pump directly in an empty bottle, it's purified. I love the future.

  2. There was so much set up in this game that could have been used in Fallout 4. But instead they went with Maxson the murdering jackass and took a dump all over the East Coast Brotherhood.

    It would have been so much better if the Brotherhood in Fallout 4 had been the MidWest Brotherhood.

  3. I must have been playing this game for about half my life at this point, and I don't think I've heard those extended voice lines over the intercom while the Vertibird lands at Project Purity, and again with the conversation between James and Madison before the purifier's radiation burst.

  4. So my take on it is the Enclave is fairly "evil" or "bad" compared to the Fallout 3 version of the Brotherhood. I mean neither faction is perfect but I'd take the BoS over the Enclave any day. Maybe James thought the same…heard through the BoS that the Enclave were the "baddies" and figured he'd kill their highest ranking person there at the time as well as make it hard for the Enclave to access the project.

  5. I have been loving this series. And if it continues to be this detailed, I'd imagine that; between what remains of Fallout 3, and what is yet to come in Fallout: New Vegas… There's still A LOT to look forward to!! 😊

  6. I think there's some bit of speeches by Eden on the enclave radio that really give off facist vibes.
    Also, Eden makes his hostility toward the brotherhood a rather benevolent power and former ally of your father really clear.

    I think if I was in James boots, knowing he is kinda anti-authoritarian (at least that's how I understood his difficult relationship with the overseer, frienship with Three dogs and defiance towards Braun) and has an extremely personnal investment in project purity, I would like him try to peacefully resist Autumn's first orders to "transfer management". Maybe I could be persuaded if Autumn was less of an authoritarian prick, if he exposed the enclave's goals and arrived with a better offer like "hello mister scientist, we're really interested in your project and would like to assist. " I might listen to them. But that Autumn pig just barges in, says "in the name of the voice in the radio you now work for uncle sam wether you want it or not" Then proceeds to execute an innocent after the slightest protest.
    I would loose it after that, try my best to save everybody i got involved in the project, and deny it to the fascist who just murdered someone in front of me.

    Though pretending to play along with them and sabotage could be efficient, it might not give Li and the player the clear "GTFO" signal, neither would want to abandon Project Purity/Dad to the creepy guys. James would definitely have sacrificed himself by serving the murderous bastards to make sure they don't do anything stupid, but not if it meant Li and his child were also in that situation, with the enclave capable to use one as hostage to pressure the others depending on who they need the most at the moment.

    Given all that, the "heroic martyr" of James seems more logical to me. It gained time by (temporarily) cutting the head of the snake and making the purifier dangerous to study, it forced the player and Li to escape, it avoided the possibility for the enclave to use him as a bargaining tool… Given the situation I think he made an extremely radical yet plausible decision.

    I get your points Jon, they're valid, but I have to disagree with you on that one, Sean Bean did nothing wrong !

    (Loved the episode by the way, looking forward to next week ! )

  7. One thing that bothers me about finding out Gallows name is. They don't ask for proof nor does Irving come with you to confirm it.

    For all the BoS know you walked down to the Mess Hall grabbed a drink and just said the first name that popped into your head. Before running off with 2k in caps of their money. Never to be seen again.


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