Extermination| DDLC mod: Monitor (part 100)

Custom music:

“Makai Symphony – The Army of Minotaur” is under a
Creative Commons music (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https:|/bit.ly/ the-army-minotaur-song

“Makai Symphony – Dragon Castle” is under a
Creative Commons license (CC BY-SA 3.0).
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/ be-dragon-castle-song

“Maleficus” – by Scott Buckley

Pan’s Labyrinth Lullaby – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJwLimcb4GI&t=2055s

Urdak theme – Doom eternal
Orphan of kos – Bloodborne
Zeus battle theme – God of War 3
Mega venom – Spider-Man Web of shadows

All expressions recognized belong to their respective owners, but the rest are mine. Seriously, I’ve made over 230 custom expressions for Monika alone.

Monika’s dress is a heavily modified version of sovietspartan and stephano.chr


25 thoughts on “Extermination| DDLC mod: Monitor (part 100)”

  1. That was incredible! So worth the wait! I'm at a loss for words because of how satisfying every moment of this episode was. It was like the biggest payoff of the series. Great job Aliri!

  2. Ooof that shit took longer than I expected but I'm just counted overall lenght of this series. The lenght is 75 hours 32 minutes and 56 seconds. These later episodes definetely compensated for the first 20 minutes-long ones.

  3. There is a part of me that is screaming for there to be an epilogue or follow up with zack's new body and stuff.

    The other part of me is perfectly content with Yuri just passing the fuck out. A last ditch at comic relief to a series that has hit every emotion possible.

    Regardless of what happens with Monitor at this point I can safely say this is a truly bittersweet day. The end of an absolutely amazing journey. The destination has been reached, but along the way we learned that all we ever wanted was the trip.

    Well done, sir. I'm excited to see what you whip up next.

  4. Man I'm like 20 episodes behind because I didn't have much time in the last months, but seeing a TWO AND A HALF hour long episode, I just had to come and tell you that we really do appreciate your work and I can't wait 'till I get to this episode!

  5. Oh my god what the hell oh my god punch my momma in the throat karate kid my daddy in the chest oh my god tickle my daddy feet burp on my momma neck what the fuck
    (that is a lot of effort I applaud you)

  6. It would've been Cooler to see a villain actually winning against the heroes. Any DDLC mod that I have seen always ends with Power of Friendship VS. Villains and Friendship always wins and always ends with a Happy ending and a dance party.

  7. Ladies and gentlemen, it has happened! The 100th anniversary episode on such a significant day! Open stocks of champagne, there is something to celebrate!

    After all, this is more than just another anniversary! This is the first hundred with an action and the finale of the story, for two and a half hours! Somebody put up a monument to this guy!

    Extermination. What a big word, and in combination with the title image, reinforces the already huge interest and intrigue that has formed over the past 2 weeks. So much so that I gave up on my principles and started watching it already at work. I left only the last 50 minutes for the "night session". And OH MY GOD, how fucking awesome it was!

    During all these two and a half hours, SO MUCH has happened that if I start listing and commenting everything in my usual manner, I will definitely not meet the comment limit (5000 characters, as far as I remember) In all this turmoil, I forgot about a lot of factors altogether. Damn, every time I realize that I forget about the things voiced in the first 20-30 episodes, and then they remind me of them, I realize again and again how HUGE and ELABORATE the series turned out to be.

    I can't just pass by three things:

    1) Fights. In this series, they got goosebumps. And all the "Combat modes" that the girls have unlocked are a brain explosion in general! I won't even spoiler, you have to see it yourself!

    2) Sprites. Mother of God, how fucking awesome is this! The impact of two weeks of work feels like never before! If such content, and even better, awaits us further – I will be ready to wait a month!

    3) The ending. Namely, the last 10 seconds. Those who have seen it will understand, and those who have not seen it, do not look ahead of time. Spoil the emotions that she will present to you. I'll just say one thing that I read in her eyes: "He's so fucking hot."

    Summing up, it's safe to say that waiting 2 weeks for a feature film was worth it. Excellent staging, unexpected twists and perfectly matched soundtrack. I was charged with emotions until the end of the month, that's for sure!

    Aliri, my friend, I understand that no story is eternal, and I will not beg you to stretch it for another 100 episodes. I ask only one thing. Make the finale so fucking great that our jaw drops off without the possibility of implantation! I know you can! Make us all shake the atmosphere with our applause for you!

    Sincerely, as always, throughout all 80 episodes (I joined the viewing with the release of episode 20) I wish you creative success!

  8. So I know you said this was pretty much the "Finale", but I have a goooood feeling there may be a 101 and 102, then cut to black, but if its left up to interpretation, and this is truly the end

    I can surely say that Zack is abusing her in whatever way he can think of 😀❤ Good job, Aliri, well fucking done 👌

  9. holy shit.
    i am definitely filled with some emotions right now.
    this was an INSANE episode, from the fucking start to the end.
    thumbnail revealed quite a bit but nevertheless, if anyone has made it this far, you NEED to watch this.
    (assuming you haven't started watching the video yet or are just arriving)

    it is super hard to explain without spoilers, but i will not hold back once this is officially over.
    what started off as a different take on DDLC became its own, unique, and crazy thing!

    i've read the posts by the way, so i congratulate you, Aliri, for making this series and reaching the 100th episode.
    have a relaxing break.
    you've earned it!



    1:19:51 YURI GO GO! GO YURI GO GO!!!

    1:21:28 Mistress Yuri Goes OFF!!

    1:44:17 – Yuri Goes off

    1:45:24 Yuri is AMAZING


    1:49:41 Monika Finds out what The armour Break does for The Demonika Cantus Boss Fight.

    1:50:271:50:47 Weakness: Mc is not in game cause of deletion then it can be hurt and after removing it from admin it can be more and More Beat the duck up

    1:51:34 HOW DID ZACK SCORE THREE GIRLS who have powers like him and 1 of them is his Biological sister btw and two are his lovers!!!

    1:51:271:54:49 Monika Figures out Everything!!


    1:59:292:00:19 NATSUKI IMOUTO CHAN does the Ultimate Transform as Girl hit em with A-

    1:59:442:02:20 The Girls Team up to Send this Demon to A Personal hell worse Than Normal Hell.


    2:13:512:16:38 SHES THE DEFINITION OF a Loyal Girl!!!!


    2:16:382:21:52 ZACK COMES BACK

    2:24:342:26:00 Zack is The Composor Too The Game!!! Composor in Meaning and Reference Of Neo Twewy and Twewy Final Remix Joshua!!

    2:25:402:26:20 Zack's Display Of GOD Level Power Made YURI orgasm then FAINT!!!

  11. Wow. For the 100th episode, this is AWESOME!! This dedication to make this mod and to share it with us is just amazing. Love the girls trying to kill Demonika, and also, the best part of this is…
    Zack has a visible SPRITE!! It looks amazing, and I honestly had no expectations for this happening. Great job!!


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