EXPLOSIONS IN KERCH, PUTIN DECLARES TOTAL WAR! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (Day 826)

Massive explosions have been reported in Kerch as Russian air defense and ATACMS missiles fileld the skies, leading to the damaging or loss of the Russian railway ferries which are vital to Russian logistical efforts. Multiple countries joined France today with declarations that their weapons could be used on Russian soil, leading Putin to declare a state of total war with Ukraine and possibly the western world.


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43 thoughts on “EXPLOSIONS IN KERCH, PUTIN DECLARES TOTAL WAR! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (Day 826)”

  1. Putin does look glazed over, but I'm not sure it's from anger. I think that's an alternate putin.. or maybe he just had a fresh glass of stem cells
    Matt better be glad he didn't want to go to tuscany…. because there's nowhere to stay in tuscany. Nowhere at all 😂

  2. Are these patches different from the packs that you are offering later

    If it's really important to any Canadians I can arrange getting them to Canada, it will take a month for my sister to bring them up

  3. Claiming that Putin has declared "Total War" on the strength of his speech presented in your coverage is a stretch of the imagination that borders on hyperbole. It should come as no surprise to anyone that Russia was committing to a "wartime economy" as far back as January 2023. There are countless available news articles that illustrate this. It seems clear (to me anyway) that Putin is simply announcing this "wartime economy" to his otherwise, widely censored Russian public and as usual, strictly for propaganda purposes.
    He may also be preparing his censored (and therefore ignorant) Russian public for another potential mobilization, which didn't sit well with his public the first time around. You have a great channel, there's no need to engage in hyperbole or use clickbait titles to captivate your loyal audience. Let the Russians engage in the propaganda. You should just present the facts, as you usually do, without all the sensationalizing. I enjoy watching your channel to keep abreast of anything I may have missed in following this war on my own but I sometime wonder if you're getting lost in the sauce of your own popularity. Slava Ukraine!👍

  4. there's such a difference between what it says on the thumbnail and what actually happened. NOBODY DECLARED TOTAL WAR. Stop the fear mongering cause we're on edge as it is.

  5. Russians should sayNO to war. There is no urgency in taking UKR other than Putin's ego. He invaded UKR he should withdraw and pay for all damages. Putin shouldn't drag the people of Russia. Putin can't even maintain most of the provinces Russia has. Not fair not right for the citizens of Russia.

  6. You'd be suprised what these big companies are building for the military. Ford dodge chevy Toyota kia hayundai Honda midsubishi (obviously Mercedes) BMW, ect. But you'd have your jaw on the floor if you heard what small mom and pop machine shops are building for the military in the room out back

  7. 27:35 AEW (along with AAR) are regarded as 'force multipliers'. The deployment of this system, in an ideal world, should happen with the F16's, as it will allow data transfer, and with proper co-ordination, a flight of F16s can be allocated to defend the AEW (similar to destroyers alongside a carrier, with a very similar 'defense' tactic).

  8. Total war? What does that mean? Is Europe allowed to send bombers directly to Russia now? Can US test its 5000 abombs on Russia too? Please specify what you mean by the word total..

  9. 18:19 Firing to much missiles out of panic is not a good plan. Depending on the type of missile used each of the Russian missiles you see there costs over a million USD. But I can sympathize with the personell of the MISS 400. After seeing how badly the system protects their life they have the right to over-fire…They are still humans like us, they are just fighting for the wrong side 😢

  10. How is the nation that delivered the ATACMS to Ukraine, after Russia is in an active ongoing military conflict with Ukraine, not now a legitimate target for Russia? If two guys are fighting in a bar and a third guy hands a knife to one of them that third person (US) is a participant of that fight. The US is pushing it's luck far too much with no regard of the blow back Americans might get. For every action there is a reaction and karma is a bitch. If Putin does not take all of Ukraine he is a dumb ass and will suffer the same fate that Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia got. Milosevic made the mistake of being reasonable. "The Enforcer" is nothing but war profiteering. "Come on meteor!"

  11. Time Russia and China were taught a lesson, along with North Korea. Without the trade routes China will not survive, Korea can also be brought to it's knees along with Russia. The dictatorships cannot survive over time. Eventually the Citizens of these countries will get their independence . If a one world government comes it will be with the cooperation of the people of all countries and the WEF will have no part in it. It will be a free democratic institution not a dictatorship. Population does not have to be lowered, it just needs rich people to have much less than they have and to spread their wealth around the world. WEF however wants to murder Billions, that will not happen. All involved with them will be punished by the rest of the world who will eventually change our world into a free one government world. No UN. No WHO, No WEF. These are all corrupt institutions. The only real protective body will be NATO.

  12. John termed the Great Babylon as "The mother of all abominations, Therefore, if proven that this Babylon is a church, then, those religions that adopts her trinity doctrine were her children,

  13. The more I watch this shit show unfold seems like a grand scheme to start WW3 with Russia plain and simple if they continue to strike Russia with these European weapons how long until American kids are sent to this shit show over a non nato country this equals BS imo there opening up a door this administration is not prepared for or people


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