Awakening of the Rebellion – Imperial Fleet Attack Manaan (Ep 30)

Awakening of the Rebellion Season 4 with the new version 2.1!
The Empire has lost its new planet killing battle station, the galaxy is in chaos. The criminal families and factions are uniting. The Rebellion has begun.

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43 thoughts on “Awakening of the Rebellion – Imperial Fleet Attack Manaan (Ep 30)”

  1. Imperial or Black Sun? BLACK SUN! I mean you got the Zann Consortium, the DROIDS, the HUTTS and Xisors Republic tech to work with. Its just a matter of Investing in each of them (only 1 can be active at a time, so you do have to Pick or Swap depending on the situation).

    The real hard part is figuring out WHO DOES WHAT and WHAT DOES WHAT with all those Units and 4 "factions" to pick from. But thats why God Made Wikipedia i guess.

  2. I think criminal playthrough would be a massive good break from imperial and rebel playthroughs. Hell. Even the Zan Consortum on the base game sounds like a fun playthrough instead

  3. A couple nifty tips for the rebellion i learned on my playthrough. If you build advanced frigate shipyard on sluis van you can get dreadnought cruisers and its other variants (assault frig. And twin blade) for a discount. Also as far as increasing speed of ship production you build another shipyard of the same type (so 2 adv. Cap ship yards for more cap ships)
    Also the timer for interdictors goes for both rebel and imperial interdictor cruisers. I believe the only ones that will stay on are the gravity well stations. Keep up the good work captain!

  4. I'd like to see a Black Sun playthrough with the Hutts. Their units seem like they'd be a lot of fun to play around with. I want to see Rancors fighting AT-ATs.

  5. if you do another imperial campaign p;ease do the new republic map since you can do the empire post endor and have them as the underdogs which would be fun, but yeah love a criminal campaign it be fun change as well

  6. I'd love to see a Hut beastmaster or a Droid campaign for the Black sun! Also love the fact that the Empire is shaping up to be a real enemy in this playthrough, really looking forward to ship artillery shenanigans, you could pair them with powerful frigates/corvettes for cover. I was wondering, is there any tech that would allow you to get more advanced carriers?

  7. Thoughts:
    1) Stay on the offense. You take loses on defense, but not on the offense.
    2) You can’t out produce Empire. You can destroy their production —-Occupy Rendill and Kuat. Stops their ship production. Bonus: The Kuat Star Dreadnaught you get will secure your flank while you pivot to…
    3) Reducing borders with Empire. Fewer borders, fewer points to defend. Think Onderon and Yaga Minor. Reduced borders let you bring up your relieved forces to the front.


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