Elon Musk to replace Twitter's bird logo with an 'X' – BBC News

Twitter owner Elon Musk has said he wants to get rid of the Twitter bird logo, and replace it with an “X”.

However, Mr Musk also has a history of making statements that fail to happen or are not serious.

Mr Musk, who has changed the name of the business to X Corp, said the replacement “should have been done a long time ago”.

The move follows a Tweet on Sunday by Musk saying: “And soon we shall bid adieu to the Twitter brand and, gradually, all the birds.”

#Twitter #ElonMusk #BBCNews


26 thoughts on “Elon Musk to replace Twitter's bird logo with an 'X' – BBC News”

  1. I wake up in the morning that my phone has a x logo apps. I was shocked to see the apps than i uninstall the apps. After that now i am watching BBC news and want to know that Elon Musk to relace Twitter's bird logo an 'X'

  2. Old people talking about one of the greatest genius of all time,we chat will be nothing compared to X ,you will see…Instagram is outdated ,tiktok is the new thing,and what will be after the tiktok,no one knows ,but this seems pretty interesting

  3. Oh dear. It must be so bad if you have to change the logo to resemble the ‘X’ to close this page. Now every time I go to check my Twitter I end up closing the bloody screen by mistake. Musk… Bruv… whatareyoudoin to us…

  4. Just suggested to my wife that Musk is probably too inept to protect the twitter name. So we should set up twitter as a new platform. Or, as a dig, set up Tweeter and have twits and re-twits!

  5. How is "X" not going to lose even more money? Twitter was never the biggest but it had a huge, loyal userbase. Musk has already ruined the company and now he loses the value that brand equity of the name and logo carried. So how is it NOT going to lose more money if he's losing users and now needs to obviously attract new users but has gone about it by ditching the brand equity? I used to think that guy was smart.

  6. He is not only anowner, he is a damn genuis humanbeing and he can do anything he want, Well, Jealousy, Hatred and anger is always there when genuis creative legend Elon Musk take action!

  7. Whether the "X" logo becomes a reality or not, the world will continue to be inspired by his endeavors. Innovation often starts with bold moves, and Mr. Musk's determination to push boundaries is something to admire. Let's see where this journey leads and anticipate more exciting developments in the future.


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