Dropping the Scam: You are an Unlimited Being *Manifestation Myth Busted*

I am done addressing limiting beliefs and this entire pendulum that the loa community has become, people are loosing their life ā€¦


24 thoughts on “Dropping the Scam: You are an Unlimited Being *Manifestation Myth Busted*”

  1. Such a great and encouraging video,Neyah. Honestly, I couldnā€™t agree with you more on the limiting beliefs are just not true.

    If we are the Creator God in these bodies, then how could we possibly have limiting believes. Iā€™ve had a couple books of Richard Dobsonā€˜s in my audiobook app but unfortunately, I canā€™t seem to get the books back. But I did listen to them and yes, he is so right on about the countering beliefs. Thatā€™s all they are. šŸ‘šŸ»

    So glad you made this video! You truly are such a revolutionary teacher on so many topics including the law of assumption. Iā€™m really really looking forward to your next video on elementals by the way!šŸ˜Š I love all of your esoteric teachings and learned so much from them. šŸ¤—

  2. Sometimes the only way the universe has to manifest what you are asking for is thru a situation that you might perceived as negative, but in reality this negative situation is actually working in your favor to create the change you need in your life in order for your wants to manifest, so shit doesn't just "happens"

    Ironically, believing that "life just happens" is a limiting belief itself since you are implying that life is out of control manifesting ramdom shit for you, and that's not true! the shit that happens is the universe forcing you out of a situation in order to manifest what you asked, I have seen this in my life, how every single thing I thought was something bad leaded me to what I wanted or something much much better, every momentary negative situation was a gateway to wonderful things manifesting in my life, so no, I don't believe "life just happens" because even the negative situations are blessings that help us move and change for the better, those situations are just the mechanics the universe use to cause necessary change, and to force you to take needed actions you wouldn't have taken otherwise

  3. I like it. That which is unlimited cannot be limited. Me, when things arenā€™t as Iā€™d prefer, I wonder what is my subconscious working in the background. Whatā€™s behind the curtain. How is this crap situation leading me to my desires. I donā€™t often have answers, but my analytical mind demands it. Eventually, I just have to accept that Iā€™ll get the answers someday. But limited? No.

  4. Limiting beliefs will absolutely keep you from manifesting something specific. Your beliefs that is imprinted on your subconscious is what manifests. This is the worst manifestation advice. If your limiting beliefs don't matter why are you telling people how to fix them? BECAUSE THEY MATTER. You putting a different label on it doesn't change the fact. Any coach that has to put down another coach, especially in manifestation is an automatic red flag. You will never catch abraham hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Neville Goddard etc doing that. How disappointing…I loved this channel. Life doesn't just "happen" The laws of the universe specifically explain that. This video is so contradicting. "Limiting beliefs aren't real" "Take control of your beliefs and thoughts "

  5. Hi i'm new in manifestation but i think that i was always manifesting as a child by thinking about things like "i will never get it" and then i was getting it but i dont really want to think like that to get something so can someone explain it to me what should i do because now when im trying to think like "i already have something that i want" or "i will have it" i feel like its not working and im not talking that i was thinkinhg like that for few days i was thinking like that for few months so is there someone to help me?

  6. This is really an efficient and elegant way to communicate how this works.
    Thank you.
    I intend (among other things lol) that you shook many people awake with this one.

  7. Actually Iā€™ve been seeing a lot of content lately on stop worrying about your beliefs.. live in the end and beliefs change with the change of statesā€¦ people are working too hard. Neville and a few others never say hey you must address limiting beliefs. Neville says live in the end. Hicks says a lot of the same things just in a different context.

  8. Can you make a video on how we actually arenā€™t limitless? Like I canā€™t grow wings and fly or uproot a tree with my mind and fling it across the road. Everyone says we are limitless, but no one addresses the fact that we actually arenā€™t

  9. hii neyah ,
    it it possible to manifest bdd away and physical appearence at the same time ?(becaue the physical caused the mental)
    and i hope you will one day talk abt it if only for just for 5 minutes .AND LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH watching your videos make me feel better <<<<<333


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