Don't Force It: Your Guide to Mars Conjoining Neptune in Pisces

Today we are going to take a look at Mars’s conjunction with Neptune, which is happening just after our lunar eclipse in Scorpio, and the sun was squaring Saturn.

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40 thoughts on “Don't Force It: Your Guide to Mars Conjoining Neptune in Pisces”

  1. #grabbed I went back and looked at the 3 transits you had your eye on back in December. The last one is on May 29th Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries. Mars enters Aries on the 24th so I guess this actually starts before the 29th and builds. I have Jupiter 0 degrees of Libra in my natal chart so I am wondering what effect I can expect.

  2. To me this conjunction is like teaching Mars to go with the flow. Throw on a tie dye tshirt instead of a uniform and go fight the good fight for humanity , not for your little ego.

  3. Thank you Acyuta for these insights and your vulnerability. My birthday is close to yours so I share the Mars opposite Neptune signature and have been working with it in recent months as part of the Neptune square Neptune, while trine Sun dynamic. I love the humility and vulnerability that is kept alive in me only through failure and falling short of expectations too far afield. Also, the softening of sternum suggestion is so helpful. Thank you. Keep up the wonderful work.

  4. Maybe this conjunction explains my dark uncomfortable dream last night. Natal Neptune at 24 degrees Sagittarius ruled 8th house is a factor. Aries sun, Taurus rising…the deep emotional waters of Neptune and the Scorpio eclipse have #grabbed my dreams.

  5. Loved this, so helpful to be reminded to ‘loosen my girdle’, so to speak. I too am a PK, and a very Saturnian one at that. I can be stern and admonishing, in just the same ways I was sternly admonished; it just comes blabbing out of me and is merciless, until I catch myself.

  6. Mars opp Neptune here too. I can drive my husband insane when I get enthusiastic about a spiritual realization then want to 'sermonize ' him. Learning to laugh at this…well…sometimes. -))

  7. My nodes are co present w my (s.n)MarsOPPNep(n.n) in the 6/12 axis! Hahahahha!
    So- Thx for this vid!!

    PS can I argue with you right now and declare!! that the ONLY thing that has always succeeded in truth, to me, is the golden phi mother tongue of astrology! Un-failed. 💯%
    So- AhhHa!!
    I must to challenge you! Touché! Haha. 😉

  8. With Neptune conjunct ASC in Scorpio, Mars conj Pluto in Virgo, I can relate to the overboarding excitement and the tendency to feel urged to convince others if I found Something interesting. Mars square Venus, ruler of my 7th House in 8. 🙈

  9. Hey Acyuta! Love you love all the things you do. Your a great teacher and I get great knowledge from you. Awesome Job!

    Hey that thing that you were talking about with that Mars-Neptune placement. Dude yes. I get it. I’m Pisces Sun 🌞 Pisces Venus. So with those two there you already know! Lol. But check this I have an Aries- Mercury!

    So as you you were saying with that space you have learned to control that energy. Kudos to that! That can be challenging! 😰 (challenging) And at times when you go into that space something interrupts you! Or the connection just isn’t there! You spent all that time and energy going into that deep vulnerable space and now they don’t get! Or someone is trying to hush you up! {How dare they! These low vibed bleeps (lol) (only for fun only for story telling purposes lol). Pisces I told you! Lol! Any way… keep reading down

    You immediately not intentionally go into that Aries space. Very quick, very sporadic type of behavior and it’s in Neptune-fantasy!

    Spoiler alert! 🚨:Uh oh so know one seen it coming from this nice looking gentleman 😟..

    So the conversation is interrupted! So again the same thing happens the Aries is very quick it’s very sporadic as you know it’s fiery edgy it gets upset really quickly! I call it Bambi. It’s very cute but if it doesn’t get it way or if some stumbles on it it’s gonna buck on ya lol.

    So on a higher level and I’m glad I can be able to talk to you that in that sense without even you not understanding.

    But with that placement you have the ability with Neptune in Aries.

    Since you are already highly spiritual person, and soul. To be honest Acyuta bro. Honestly it’s the spirits telling you that you need to chill. It’s telling you it’s just not the time and place for you to share that or to say that at that given moment. It’s just there for you at that moment to just set the seed; and then it will come back.

    So with that, because you do have that placement of new birth with Aries. And then you have that Neptune placement of fantasy and which is very true very real and tapping in its meant for you.

    I hope that wasn’t so much Sorry I was all in your space. 🙈

    I love you I hope that was not offensive 😬 omg I love you!! ❤️😘

  10. And your wife making that statement she has to be a highly vibed Cancer something, a Taurus something, or something watery or earthy or maybe Leo 🤔 Venus, Rising, or Sun. She knows your energy but she knows she doesn’t want to puss you off but she address in a very cute manner. Go girl that was cute Mrs. Acyuta! She handled that cute cause she knows your soul. That earthy watery something! Love it!

  11. Oh yes but with me! Yes I have that Mercury Aries. I have to know that I can speak vicious or very aggressively and it can be overwhelming or intimidating to some people. So I’m very mindful of that when speaking and whom I’m speaking to. And with me having so much water in my chart it helps cool that fire but I have to listen to know how much water to use to not kill the flame! 😊

  12. Actuya and bro your the sauce! You do a lot of studying and researching for your spiritual growth and to be on top. Look you don’t have to look anywhere and don’t need reassurance your a water sign, Pisces or Cancer cause you look for the reassurance you don’t need that your already A-1 steak sauce! Lol 👍🏾 Your the teacher! You already equipped. And look your so humble about it that! That’s what makes you the saucy! Lol! Love it bro!

    And look, I don’t like to meet people that I admire that are in broad limelight only if that soul is good. Because sometimes there thoughts and intentions are just not at that high vibe you would’ve thought they were on. So it’s good space for them but not necessarily for you.

    Bro your the boss!

  13. I love how your wife said that. “I wish you allowed someone else to talk”. She is definitely a Cancer something. But I very highly vibed cancer, Taurus, Rising, Sun, or Moon. Or maybe she’s a Leo 🤔. She knows how to talk to you which is good.

    Love it ❤️


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