Did they Make the Right Choice? – All Jedi War Declarations & Abstentions Analysed

Jedi based??

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🎬Video Credits:
Narrators – Pat
Editor – Giorgi
Writers – Sean

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0:00 Intro
0:41 Renunciations
4:26 War with the Sith
7:09 Post-Sith
9:25 Outro


28 thoughts on “Did they Make the Right Choice? – All Jedi War Declarations & Abstentions Analysed”

  1. This sounds very similar to what happened with historical Christianity after it became the Roman religion. I also wonder if there would be a holocron of either Sith or Jedi that assessed how the Jedi bided there time to destroy the Tionese, that any of the line of Bane would've studied from to destroy the Jedi.

  2. Maybe the jedi could have petitioned the senate to find them a more suitable planet for them.

    Like chandrila, or naboo, or christophsis (a jedi temple made out of crystals would look awesome).

  3. Yo, lately a lot of your videos have had audio issues, mostly just the mic peaking for no reason, I thought it was my phone at first but it doesn’t do it on any other videos

  4. The Third Great Schism wasn’t really just an minor conflict. It destroyed an entire star system in the end, but more importantly the Jedi actually attributed the cause of the Great Sith War and Jedi Civil War to the Third Great Schism.

  5. I got a new question after seeing this video: Is it just me or the Republic seemed to be terrifying of the idea of allowing other galactic polities to develop on their own? After all, why would they be so hellbent on annexing all of the known galaxy and the only reason why the Chiss Ascendancy is saved from such a fate is because the Republic even forgot the Chiss Ascendancy actually existed in the Unknown Regions.

    Also, I'm glad you acknowledged that what the Republic and the Jedi did to the Mandalorians is the so-called Mandalorian Excision is an ethnocide. And even ebtter, calling them out for their own failure to see things through during the war between the Kaleesh and the Huk.

  6. the jedi may have done allot of good but they were founded in evil and so everything touched has to be considered evil. yes the with are evil, but so are the jedi, they both strayed form the teachign so f the Je’daii Order and so they both became 2 evil sides of the same coin, what the Je’daii Order was trying to rrevent. if i had to choose i would choose the sith, they are free while the jedi are control by communists and like america they hid behind the mask of peace and love and protection and democracy but end up exactly like all democracies… they killed children ffs they are not the good guys in star wars hahaha

  7. all the jedi had to do in the clone wars was see the ploy and side step it by exiting the republic, bemong a nurtal relgious order with nopower they could have avoided the way and trap set bythe sith, the could havechosen any one sysem and safe guarded it, they could have gone into hiding, but they all had already fell to the dark side including yoda as many times he expressed fear during the clone wars, they all chose to become wrath ala vengence. they saw their chance to hurt the sith, to hunt and kill sith once more and jumped on it with lil debate… they got what the deserved imo lol

  8. I believe that the Jedi council's worst decision was to become a part of the Senate. They should have found a new home world and stayed a religious order. Once they became part of the government, in particular the law and order part of the government they lost.

  9. The Jedi Order became the source of the greatest failures in the universe because they thought they were the source of "all good". They are at best …HYPOCRITES, Decievers, and Kidnappers of children …all in the name of the "Force".

  10. On this, seems they shoulda ONLY sent specific an selected Jedi, like screened an shown to be somewhat competent at it, to duties as Admirals an army/unit generals..

    All 25,000 years the Order coulda had their own standing army IF they wanted to AND kept people leading them THAT KNEW what they was doing an was strict about that point. Since only a relative few hundred of the thousands or so of them actually showed to be both good generals/admirals AND could actually win. Woulda solved many of their issues. An maybe saved their asses in the end. Like the Clone Wars, an issues with Sith or the Vong for example.. where there wasnt much of an Army to oppose the opposition OR it was basically a trap they had no choice but to stick their heads in cuz they was gonna get steam rolled anyways without them..
    They big problem got way too much Dogmatic an had no idea enough of being pragmatic or even had basic skills in many ways. Especially in peace keeping and war… Lost the plot indeed

  11. Jedi Order: Emotional attachment leads to the dark side!

    Also the Jedi Order: Gets attached to the Republic too much and then gets crushed by the Sith-controlled Republic…


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