
42 thoughts on “MESSAGE TO SONNYFAZ'S MUM – @SonnyFaz”

  1. 🔴🔴🔴
    The number of military expeditions and battles of the Prophet ﷺ almost neared a hundred in ten years.
    => The total number of casualties on both sides is approximately 1,000 dead maximum.
    => Over the course of ten years in wars, the Prophet ﷺ killed only one person (Ubay ibn Khalaf), because he threatened him.

    Prophets in the Bible:
    David killed 7,000 charioteers and 40,000 soldiers (1 Chr 19:18).

    David killed 200 Philistines and brought their foreskins to King Saul to marry his daughter Michal (1 Sam 18:27).

    David killed 18,000 Syrians in the Valley of Salt (2 Sam 8:13).

    Moses, in one day, ordered execution of 3,000 people rebelling against God (Exo 32:28).

    Moses instructed the soldiers to kill every male child, and all women who had ever had sex with a man (Num 31:17).

    Elijah slaughtered 450 of the prophets of Baal in the Kishon Valley (1 Ki 18:40).

    Joshua killed the five kings and hung them on five trees (Joshua 10:26).

    Elisha cursed 42 children and were killed because they mocked him (2 Ki 2:24).

    Jehu commanded killing of 42 of Ahaziah's family (2 Ki 10:14).

  2. No mom the Jews never believes in your god your god is Jesus( peace be upon him) or son of god.
    Jews believe in One God.

    Actually in real sense we all believe in One God
    Except Muslim believes purely One God. No partners no son no daughters, no statue no idols, no pictures.
    Absolutely Pure Monotheism.


    I’m a non religion follower . That said , I feel something within 100% I’ve been on a discovery for a while now . Islam stands out to me for no specific reason it just seems ryt .

  4. Hey man, just in regards to your Deuteronomy quote… Jesus wasn't the one who said that quote. It was Moses. Thats not to say that Jesus didn't say it (he did)… but I just wanted to clear up the scripture you are quoting.

  5. The ShadowMan aka. … Jinn ( not in his true Form ) even without Sleep-Paralysis some few People can see them and these People know that ShadowMan has Skills to do…! Sorry for my bad English my first languague is german.
    The ShadowMan can also do…! People think this entity just walks around and flys around yes and no.
    The Ancient Egyptians were actually a high advanced society but spirituallity dumb and numb because they were arrogant and toxic and leading their own people society astray and were great at trashtalking with their theories and praxis.

    The most spiritually and at the same time advanced people were an are.. and they are still around ( hint: one of the greatest and first empires, they are in diffrent tribes, they even ruled over ancient egypt, fought with the europeans dozens times, had a lot of kings…!

    -ALSO, only few people know what the Shadowman can really do!
    -Also, I can't tell you to much because the most people are unaware, toxic, arrogant and great at trashtalking.
    And also the ancient egyptians ( a lot of pharaos – specially one pharao) got confused about… and they got in misery.
    They tought as you tought but most of them were arrogant and trying to avoid, because their excuse were '' it's strict", so they got astray and lived a life in misery and confusion

  6. No, all wrong at 3:40, please.
    Jesus Christ said in the Book of John: "No one has gone up into heaven, if not the One out of heaven (Al Wahid), having; the son of man, who is in heaven.
    Isaiah 9:6 then clearly relates who this son is: "…unto us a son is given…and he will be called; wonderful councel; mighty god, everlasting father; prince of peace."

    Infact; YHWH himself testifies he is the only Messiah in Isaiah 43:11: "Anoki Anoki HaShem; we'en mibalade Moshiya" "I am, I truly am alone [TheName:God], and beside me there is no other saviour". Here "we'en" is a total negation of the word mibalade "next to, in, out, before, behind, left, right, up, down". God is saying; "No Messiah but myself exists".

    Im not Trinitarian btw. Im Modalist; ONE GOD; many manifestations.

  7. may allah bless you , one small notice , you forgot to mention the verse in the quraan where allah asked jesus whether he told his followers to refer to him as a god and then he responds that he didn't and if he did allah would have known .

  8. Please be vigilant!!

    All non muslim youtubers including this guy sonnyfaz have figured it out. If you post a video about Islam and also add andrew tate to the title you get thousands of views and lots of money. And being naïvely kind, muslims watch these video and make them thousands of dollars on insincere videos lol

    Look at this past week since the reaction video of andrew tate accepting islam. Sonnyfaz realized it and posted almost daily about something related to "Islam" and all those videos have 100s of thousands of views. Eventhough just three weeks ago he was only getting 2k views and barely any videos got to 20k

  9. Allah is yaldaboath. The creator of the creation. Yahweh (Jewish)=Allah (Muslim)=God (Christian=Yaldaboath ( Gnostic).He is the only creator of this simulation. The simulation which is called heavens and earth . Human needs to go beyond the simulation of heaven and earth.😉

  10. Ignorance of these people… Exclude religion dogma and use only simple arabic-english translation… How does arabic catholics say God on arabic? Answer: Allah…

  11. Ali you could've said this to that Allah sent scriptures to many prophets but people courrpted it and we Do not deny that the Bible was written by Allah how ever if there is human writings and thoughts in the bible or torah or other holy books is that Allah's words after all answer is NO that's why Allah sent the last and final fixture of testaments to the last final prophet which is prophet muhammad peace be upon him he is the fixture and seal of prophets all holy books before the quran like the injeel(bible) zabur(book of pslam) towra(torah) have been courrpeted and changed by humans and have human added thoughts and words and there is missing scriptures. Thats about it hope Allah guides sonny and his mother Ameen.

  12. When Jesus Christ/ isah (A.S.) was alive, he spoke the Aramaic language. I want every Christian in the chat to go look up what does the word “GOD” translates to in Aramaic. Thank you.


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