Destruction of Enemy Surface Fleet

NovaLogic’s F-22 Lightning 3 video capture sequence 1 00 01 04 2022 08 02 10 47 08. Fighter 22 Raptors Storm 1 and 2 ready for departure on runway of FOB Reed. Loadout of air superiority is given to the first aircraft whereas the second is having air support and ground attack loadout of AAMs and general purpose bomb for eventual release on the targeted enemy aircraft carrier designated Top Hat. Due to presence of large number of surface to air missiles and fighters in the battlespace, F-22 uses internal weapons load. Anti-radiation missile, HARM is excluded as it can only be carried externally. Battlespace is highly contested among F-18 Hornet Zombie formation on ingress from north for bombing primary target, MiG-29 on CAP and being launched from enemy carrier towards attack formation, Mi-28 flying over carrier group, F-15 Eagle and F-16 Falcon Viper squadron on CAP and multirole objectives, EA6B on enemy radar suppression, friendly Su-25 attacking enemy airbase to the north, enemy A-50 AWACS flying over area, A-10 on ground attack, AH-64 Apache Dragon Squadron on close quarters base-defense, KC-135 Stratotanker Bronco flying isolated in southern sky, E-3 AWACS Checkmate flying in northern sky and taking-off varied fighter formations from enemy airbases towards north and west including MiG-31, Su-35, F-4, F-5; ground based enemy and friendly SAM batteries and carrier fleet comprising of air defense ships and surface combatants. Fighter 22 formation takes-off and heads SW bearing 247 towards naval fleet and first shoots down Mi-28 formation with AAMRAM attack. Next targeted, a climbing hard A-50 30 miles out. AIM-120C AAMRAM launched at 20530 AGL, 760 nautical miles per hour, VC 593 at Mach 1.8 heading 245 towards it from F-22 1. Meanwhile F-22 2 made 360 degrees turn towards base and plenty of fighters of both sides got shot down. Ground targets started getting hit. F-22 1 breaks-off towards north at bearing 313 after AAMRAM launch and engages now taking-off Su-35, F-4 formations from northern enemy airbase 30 miles out bearing 293 in an area devoid of friendly fighters. 2 stays over base. AAMRAM attack launched from F-22 1 towards airborne Su-35 1, 2 and F-4 1. F-22 1 breaks-off towards heading 054 after AAMRAM launch and observes MiG-31 taking-off from another western enemy base. 3 AAMRAM hits recorded on designated targets. One Su-35 survives AAMRAM hit and heads south with unharmed F-4. F-22 Storm 2 now flying on the wing of Storm 1 turns 360 degrees towards Su-35 and launches AAMRAM attack and turns back on course. Meanwhile F-18 Hornet Zombie become successful in sinking the enemy Kuznetsov Aircraft Carrier. Another AAM attack launched towards Su-35 from F-22 2. AAM attack do not make contact. F-22 2 joins back F-22 1. Su-35 being armed with two short range IR missiles now engaged by F-22 2 and 1 and gets destroyed. F-22 1 heads 177 from base location to intercept MiG-31 which have shot down entire remaining F-15, F-16 fighter formations and now heading towards refueling aircraft to destroy it. F-22 2 goes back to base for reload. AIM-9M Sidewinder launched at it from 6 at range 5.73, VC 226 from 23390 AGL by F-22 1 hits it from behind to destroy it. MiG-31 could not manage a gun burst on KC-135 though it could have fired missile carried by it. F-22 1 refuels and heads back towards 290 to engage enemy fighters shooting down F-18 formation on egress. F-5 1 and 2 destroys F-18 formation before F-22 reaching suitable range to launch AAM. F-5 1 gets destroyed by AAM attack launched by F-22 1 and 2 from two attack vectors. F-5 2 engaging F-16 in close-in cannon fight destroyed by AAMRAM attack from F-22 2 from 20 mile range. No further aircraft launch by enemy is recorded hence the mission is ended to provide cover for search and rescue.


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