I Played The Overwatch 2 Alpha: Here's Why I'm Excited

I, along with many other content creators, was given the chance to play the OW2 Alpha. Until now, we were under NDA to not talk about it… now I can tell you everything you can expect going into the game, as well as why I think the future looks bright for Overwatch!

#Overwatch2 #Analysis #Overwatch2Beta
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41 thoughts on “I Played The Overwatch 2 Alpha: Here's Why I'm Excited”

  1. I´m interested to try out the game, but I also love OW1 as it is. So I kinda hope they also have a Legacy-Mode or something in the Arcade, where we could play classic OW, if we want to. So that OW1 is not completely lost :,) But who knows… maybe we don`t even want to go back to OW1 again, after getting a taste 😀 Just many uncertainties at this point. Thanks for elaborating though 🙂

  2. I’d love to see a support 2.0 guide on how to better protect yourself with one less tank. Since peeling is essentially gone in OW 2 I think the support community would love some tips on how to be more self sufficient (I.e. positioning, playing around cover, going for kills, etc)

  3. I'm so glad Blizzard did it the way they have. Give a select group of people that are exceptional – decent skill giving feedback. I figure you'd be better at expressing why something might feel bad.

    As a support, I never felt bad for getting caught out of position by Reinhardt and being shattered for 3 seconds. I also enjoy Flatts gameplay. Just give that .5 second back. Make rein the chad he's destined to be.

    Glad Ana keeps her sleep. Sad its a little longer cd but I understand she's the only support with a stun. She skipped the pruning thank goodness.

    How does Brig feel? I see she has the long range shield bash for mobility. Does that mean she's more of a mobile hunter? Or is she still going to hide like original Mercy? I love the character but I understand how she can ruin games at your level.

    I'm glad Blizzard as a company overall is listening to their players more. I played WoW for along time. I was seeing alot of crossover between the two teams when it came to communication and updates. I see it again with them humbling themselves and rededicating themselves to their fans and players.

    The real question I have is "are they ever going to tie console and pc rewards together". I play on console with my sister and I have 90% of the skins. I'd play on pc but loosing all of that stops me. I understand its not hard to get back but all of the time I've put into my console is invalidated. One of the reasons I quit playing WoW last year.

    I hope you all have fun in the beta. I'm probably not getting in. From 2008-2012 my bnet account was hacked about 7 times. The last time I left it locked for about a decade to a Chinese gold farmer. I haven't been offered a beta for a game since. I've bought every Blizzard game repeatedly since 05(I own 5 copies of D3 and 3 copies of OW). So I don't trust the emails about beta access or the links because they generally lead to nowhere.

  4. A cause of a lot of the toxicity had to do with smurfing and alt accounts. So if they don’t police it and allow said players to have 8 accounts for ow2 then it’ll be just like ow1 but worse

  5. SVB, I'm not convinced by what you've said. To me the bad state of Overwatch shows in how few people play tank and support. And nothing I've heard from anyone makes me believe that the three role queues will even up in Overwatch 2.

  6. I am happy that OW2 is starting to come out. But I do feel bad for console players, I hope they (Quickly) extend future versions to them also. It must feel like a punch in the face to them. Considering that they make up a majority of the player base.

  7. It's kind of weird how we all wrote off Paladins as an OW clone, and as it started borrowing things from OW that made it very apparent.
    Now… OW is borrowing things from Paladins? I don't think this 5v5 "DM-style" is going to last. It will die slowly and surely, just as all of their IPs are trending.

  8. I remember queueing up when 2-2-2 landed on the PTR, and how amazing it was to have game after game full of happy, excited people who were pumped to play that new, refreshed version of the game. There was laughter, good vibes, and even people on the enemy team would cheer you on to the point that it really didn't matter whether a match was a win or loss. It was honestly one of my favorite experiences of playing Overwatch, so I can't tell you how thrilled I am to hear that you got that feeling from playing the OW2 alpha. For a game that has been hit with the "on life support" and "ded game" memes for years now, seeing that the devs are actually managing to bring that feeling of joy back has made me more excited for the beta than anything else that anyone has said or shown off. Much love ♥

  9. From what I have seen from other youtubers gameplay mobility heroes are going to be very oppressive in OW 2. In OW1 a lot of heroes with low mobility had some kind of cc like cassidy so high mobility heroes would't absolutely destroy them but now all these fast heroes are going to be dominating the game… While i'm very excited for Ow2 I just think there will be a lot more problems with heroes than before… More heroes need reworks before any of this could possibly be balanced.
    Atleast in 6V6 picking a ''worse'' hero didn't always matter since you had an extra tank who could make the space for you to enable you more because you're slow.

    Push also seems very frustrating when the enemy team gets very far and you have to run back with the robot after winning and having to win multiple fights before being able to push your wall thing.

    I wonder what will happen when the ''honeymoon'' phase is over. Still excited just sceptical.

  10. So basically people are just playing at each other, not with each other. Making the game a 10 person solitaire simulator with wacky asmr. Those aren’t teammates, just players you can’t target, got it.

  11. I think I would be way more hyped for OW2 if I hadn't played OW at it's start. As someone who is not into FPS usually I started OW because some friends played and I could do a good amount of difference by tactics (like switching heroes and counterpicking) without actually requiring good aim. 2CP is actually my favopuurite mode because it has the most empahisis on tactics and creativity imo, so hearing that OW2 is more deathmatch like is a red-flag for me, but maybe it will be a good game anyway. I will try it since my GF loves the game but I hope I am not just alway reminded to what I lost

  12. On the community aspect. I think you are going to be proven wrong within weeks. After years of these clown content creators shitting on Overwatch, you really think the switch is going to flip?

    I strongly think the community you felt is because all your content creator buddies were among the ONLY people playing and were.probably in the majority of your alpha games. Do You honestly expect that feeling to continue when the flood gates open?

  13. I appreciate the way you shared your opinion. A breath of fresh air to hear a content creator talk about OW2 by not completely shitting on OW1 and without being politely condescending. None of the "you actually need skill hurdurdur" talk to poison the well around discussion. It's like some of the creators forgot that most of the people still watching OW content actually like the game.

  14. SVB I love the idea of you making content about the new stuff in OW2 and guides and whatnot, but I've been super impressed with the other content you've made too like the streamer challenges and the Great debates, so please keep making those too. Those ideas were super creative and very unique to you, that's one of the reasons I subbed. Keep up the good work!

  15. It makes me feel so good that many people from the alpha are saying OW2 has improved the solo play experience. One of the things that made me quit this game was how hard one could get punished y playing solo against stacks of people. There was never an opportunity to get better, because it was always an unmatched experience.

  16. I think it felt like a brawley/deathmatchey experience because it was a select number of people playing it with the same intentions of purely trying the game to give insight and it is something fresher and new when people have been starved for OW content. As someone who's had OW as a main game since 2016, I whole heartedly hope the game is going to feel amazing but only time will tell. Once metas hit and people start exploiting glitches and whatnot, that feeling might go away.

  17. SVB needs to abandon this sinking ship and start working on other titles. OW2 is bad, I see it as a downgrade in numerous ways and when it officially releases it will be a flop on many fronts. SVB, your too good for this, start working on newer titles.

  18. Let's just be completely honest here. Every last 1 of the players who played the alpha never actually played a 5v5 shooter outside of overwatch (for example paladins or even battle born) & it shows to the highest degree. So everything yalk have been saying (even with the beta being out to pc players only) is honestly way too obvious to the point where is its funny as hell. Overwatch 2 literally plays like a better version of paladins. It shows in what yall have been saying about it & it shows in the gameplay.
    This is a prime example of people not exploring other games.

  19. Dunkey said it's tremendously mediocre and there's a million YT channels trying to leech off the latest trend and I'm convinced it's tremendously average and ppl are just leeching off the latest trend


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