Democrats Pass Huge Bill and FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago Home | Pod Save America Podcast

The Senate passes the biggest climate change legislation in history to cap off the best week of Joe Biden’s presidency, Donald Trump wins the CPAC straw poll after sharing the stage with fellow autocrat Viktor Orban, and later, Lieutenant Governor Mandela Barnes joins to talk about his campaign to replace Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson this November.

00:00:00 Intro
00:00:28 FBI Raid
00:03:29 Senate Passes Inflation Reduction Act
00:25:11 Ad Break
00:29:54 Trump at CPAC
00:49:12 Alex Jones
00:55:49 Ad Break
00:57:52 Interview with Mandela Barnes
01:15:24 Outro

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42 thoughts on “Democrats Pass Huge Bill and FBI Raids Trump's Mar-A-Lago Home | Pod Save America Podcast”

  1. You're right. Lies is not a strong enough term for what Alex Jones did. The term you're looking for is "stochastic terrorism."

    He fired up his frothing minions in the same way a radical imam stokes the fires to cause acts of terrorism.

    And if failed have to move ten times, the harassment has definitely reached three level of terrorism.

    But Alex Jones will not be charged with stochastic terrorism because he's not a Muslim.

  2. I don't get why people didn't like the name 'Build Back Better' in the US.
    In the UK that name would have been very popular. The alliteration, 3 words, catchy. Like 'Hands Face Space', except it's connected to something people actually want.

  3. DeSantis scares the living daylights out of me….. Harvard educated fascism…. book banning, gay bashing, anti women’s bodily autonomy or bodily autonomy for anyone….. anti freedom of speech in the higher institutions of learning……

  4. That's one of the problems with America having such a short (written) history. Most places have only ever been one thing. What was West Virginia before it was a coal state? If they don't know how they existed before the coal then how can they see themselves without it in the future?
    The reality is that coal is only a short blip in the history of West Virginia, and that there are other, better, cleaner, ways of making a name for yourself than bring coal country.
    Take Manchester for instance. When the factories closed down after the Industrial Revolution what did they have left? 2,000 years of written history on that same spot dating back to the Romans. And now they could host Eurovision on the flip of a coin.

  5. I work in retail now over the summer and lots of Trumpers come by and blame Biden if our coupons are for 15% not 20%. They will never NOT blame Biden for everything that is not perfect for them and they will never NOT give Trump credit for anything that makes them happy. Some people are incapable of thinking beyond villains and heroes on every topic.

  6. IF nothing but DEMS voted for this in the Senate, why did you say The Senate passed INSTEAD OF "DEMS IN THE SENATE" PASSED ?????? IF there were no Repug votes why don't you ALWAYS say that?

  7. I fucking hate Viktor Orbán. My grandparents were Hungarian, I have family in Hungary I'd love to visit, but I'm too afraid to go to Budapest because I don't feel safe there as a married gay man.

  8. I find it difficult to care about any of this. But I hope some of you will help defeat the despicable Lauren Boebert in my district by supporting her opponent, adamforcolorado Fingers crossed.

  9. So if Republican’s get into Power in 2023 People still are not Listening to the Republican Party NAZI Authoritarian White Supremacist Goal’s. Mix race people will be in concentration camps along with the LGBTQ And all people of Color so don’t vote because you didn’t get what you want. I’m going to Canada this year to see how I can make Canada my home. This is How Dangerous The Republican NAZI White Supremacist Terrorist Trump cult party is..

  10. It’s funny after listening to both sides of the political spectrum, I find that both Republicans and Democrats are the exact same. They sing the same tune against each other. I guess it really is impossible to be non biased anymore. It’s either one side or another. My opinion is gonna anger a lot of people but Biden is mentally deteriorating. Kamala is a giggling moron. Trump is a loud mouth asshat that is too obsessed with tweets. Everyone in this country is part of some team rather than actually doing any listening or due diligence. Sorry for the rant but I’m sick of both sides and their cheerleaders. I’m just hoping that I someone reads this and realizes that these rants and name calling is childish and deviates from actually making any progress.

  11. This softball question about "what do you say to more progressive people like Bernie Sanders who say more should be done" completely misses the point. Democrats had a 50 vote victory that was a chance to actually put items across the finish line and they balked to pass things THAT THEY PREVIOUSLY VOTED FOR. This opportunity may never arise again. It's not that we wish more could be done, of course we do, this is a bad faith framing of what Sanders was doing. It's that we EXPECT our elected officials to do what we voted them in office to do. I found it infuriating that Warnock was like the only senator that stood up for 1 singe item of a list of items that were generally easy 50 point passes. Those amendments were not "progressive", they were the democrats OWN already voted for agenda given back to them, and they threw it on the ground.

  12. "Your beliefs don't make something true."
    Very satisfying to hear Jones being told that.
    Wish judges were willing to say that more – including to large groups of people who think the opposite.

  13. I'm disappointed in the Inflation reduction act, but I'm also very happy that something was passed. Best thing is that we now have something to work with. I believe in time things will be added to and amounts will be increased. This will benefit The country, climate, and the American people, so in the end I believe it's a good thing.

  14. Lovett being constantly stoned and talking sh*t is beginning to annoy me. He’s a bit obnoxious and less funny when he’s baked. Keep it for after work dude. More and more awkward laughs from his compadres every week…


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