Death, Cognitive Decline, and The Weird Times

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37 thoughts on “Death, Cognitive Decline, and The Weird Times”

  1. Hey Charlie I used to watch you and Danny years ago, couple weeks ago one of your vids randomly popped up on my youtube frontpage so you gotta be doing something right. Anyways I clicked on it and have been bench watching your stuff since then, must've watched at least 50 vids. Just wanted to say despite your somewhat let's say trollish nature lol I think the world is a much better place with people like you in it, we need you to keep up the good work or we are fucked. Also good to see you are doing well on the ol' youtube and I love the architectural commentary and general artistic nature of what you are doing. Maybe in 5 years 50 years 500 years you will be known as a 21st century artist. Cheers.

  2. Charlie, we all would love to live in a peaceful world, But they may say crime never pays, Well it pays alot, Governments Need crime, it keeps them in a job, the Police would not be needed if there where no crime, The more crime the better, More crime requires higher payment to the protection force we call the police, its a win win for them, do basically, More crime is organized to help funds, but My question to you is, Do you think our protectors let crime happen t keep them in work.

  3. It’s a cull in U.K. slave colonies by those who kayne west speaks of , were not in the kelergi plan Charlie .. I don’t give a fk iff your mom is related to them , but it’s a cull from them on us … fact , the sooner you fkn realise that the better

  4. Charlie's struggling for content, he needs to mix it up, he should sparta kick someone/ anyone . Come on Charles you know what we want😁😁 sparta kick a cop, or a dog or a man women or child. Just kick something. Maybe u could try a bad ass van damme style spin kick

  5. Maybe as Sadly as it sounds a party that went wrong somebody died on a drug overdose of some kind and they wanted to get rid of the body so they had no responsibility why not just ditch it on the street that they live on wrong either way if you ask me but that's how some people are nowadays they don't want to take no responsibility or blame

  6. I've noticed the mental decline for over 10 years. This will sound strange but trouble and cognitive decline is literally attracted to me like a magnet!
    I've had an unreal time these last 10 years. I had to move abroad and it got way way worse!
    I'm glad you have brought the subject up. People thought I was mad. Until I proved it to them.
    I've put a lot of thought into this. I think it's a dissociation between the left and right hemispheres of the brain. In combination with a change in brain wave function in the functioning side of the brain.
    The stuff I've experienced is INSANE!


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