Dota 1×6 – Oneshotting Everybody with MARS

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31 thoughts on “Dota 1×6 – Oneshotting Everybody with MARS”

  1. I feel a need to iterate on why you got ganged up on fairly often by Qop and Marci.

    Tactically, it's the best decision for them.

    Axe and Ogre are scary heroes to deal with, and it seems the two of them were busy duking it out with each other on the bottom half of the map. Marci is certainly not going to risk a jaunt over to try and out-trade them, only to likely get caught as a kill of opportunity by both of them at once.

    Instead, she decided to be the one doing the catching. Pudge was a nonfactor, and at this point everyone knows you like to bully the weaker targets. So for her, it's a safe bet that you'll be distracted in some capacity (not to mention the early kill showing her that she can- if she plays right- burst you down before you can get rolling).

    For Qop, she was easily outfarming both Ogre and Axe, and thus didn't really need to deal with them to stay ahead. Pudge is, of course, a nonfactor- so in her eyes, the ONLY threat to her dominance in the game is you. So naturally she goes for you. This leads to her and Marci both targeting you simultaneously, and with Qops Mobility she can easily get vision and bide her time waiting for a moment when you're distracted by something else to go for the kill. Which she did, often. Basically every time you tried to pick up a free kill on the weakest player, she and marci both saw their opportunity to take the strongest player down a peg- evening the overall power level and giving them a better chance at winning.

    In Free For All game modes, it's ALWAYS best to be the "third party". And it's always best to take out the strongest opponents first- that way you have no contest later one. Sure, in a game like this one, weaker opponents can farm up and come back. That's why it's a good idea to occasionally "check up" on them and make sure they stay weak. But incessantly ganking and camping them will only ever make you vulnerable to counteraction from the third party- in this case Qop and Marci both.

  2. My best guess as to why ogre defended QoP is that he wasn't confident in his fight against either you or QoP (QoP can easily dodge his stuff, and in Duel you can easily press BkB and murder him before he can do anything). So he wanted the game to go longer so he could farm more and find something that gives him some kind of edge in the duel.

  3. That was super fun. Next time you have an issue like QoP being stronger, use the item you had in backpack (20s stun on next wave) and then time your gank for when her wave starts, once she has to come back to defend, her creeps will be in base and she doesn't kill them fast enough to protect her tower πŸ™‚

    TY for the great content <3


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