Hadley Engine Hotfire Test + New Temporary Road Delay | Starbase Pink

The fifth launch and landing for booster 1078.

Credit: SpaceX, Cameroncountytx.gov, FAA, Stratolaunch, Ursa Major.

0:00 – Intro
0:04 – F9 Liftoff
0:23 – Booster 1078 Landing
0:34 – Starship?
0:42 – New Close Up Pictures of B9S25
0:51 – New Temporary Road Delay
1:07 – Big Update from FAA
2:22 – FAA Has Not Authorized SpaceX’s Proposed Flight 2
2:35 – My Reaction
2:57 – Stratolaunch Team are working on Talon-A1
3:11 – Hadley Engine Hotfire Test
3:28 – Outro

Music : Corporate Music Compilation by Infraction [No Copyright Music 2019]

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmisQTg1EdY


36 thoughts on “Hadley Engine Hotfire Test + New Temporary Road Delay | Starbase Pink”

  1. honestly there's plenty of fish and wildlife all over the planet, too much some might say, I think we can stand to annihilate or mutate a few around Starbase, I don't see what all the fuss is about. Anyway it's good for science too, especially if there are some really funny mutations.

  2. Hi Starbase Pink, I love your videos and all, but i have a quick fix for 1 word that you're saying wrong. The word "mishap" should not be spelled with a sound "sh" but with as if separate "mis hap" just with no gap. A very nice video! Keep it up.

  3. How less "nothing" can there be around Boca Chica and Starbase? There is only sand and some grass there, not even trees. But the environmentalist argue that you are not allowed to pour some clear water from the deluge system onto the sand, while it's raining there all the time. This is just how ridiculous bureaucrazy has become.

  4. If additional environmental impact assessment is required, there will be no landing on the Moon in Artemis III. NASA will not allow to accelerate work on the Cape. And the landing on the moon will take place with the help of a lander from Blue Origin in Artemis V mission.

  5. The cynic in me wouldn’t be surprised if the FAA were putting SoaceX under more scrutiny for not activating Starlink for Ukraine military purposes. If you go against the grain of government and media, you become a target, no matter how innovative you are.

  6. Environmental review due to the use of the deluge system will postpone the launch of Starship IFT-2 for a year or two, and activity at the Starbase will be reduced or stopped altogether. In this case, the activity on the 24/7 streams from the Starbase will seriously decrease. And Elon Musk will give unrealistic deadlines in the spirit, in 10 weeks, in 6, 9 months or in the summer of 2024 or early 2025, we will get permission and fly.

  7. The US should just give Elon 's SpaceX a green light for more or less anything. The harming of wildlife should not be a blocker. SpaceX may be mankinds only hope for survival – slowing that down is literally suicidal.

  8. First rocket on methelox which launched from United States has been Vulcan Centaur by United Launch Alliance. SpaceX was lost race third times again. If the application for modification of the license and environmental program requires revision and re-examination, Musk will lose the dispute with Bezos and Bruno.

  9. They might well resume finishing up construction of cape tower and be done with it. This crap going keep delaying for another year at this rate, with current pair of vehicles needing to be scrapped. This is not what I want, but seems be only way keep program going forward. I think it's delayed at the moment at the Cape because the second Crew tower needs to be finished before they can upgrade the existing Starship Stage Zero site to keep NASA happy they don't loose access to a launch site if it goes wrong. There going be a delay either way. (Sigh)


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