Dark Abandoned Satanic Mansion – Hidden Deep in the Forest!

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Embedded deep inside a forest in Georgia, sits a Victorian-style mansion that was built in 1884.
A family of six lived used to live here. The husband worked in the oil industry while the wife took care of the household and the children.
The property immediately welcomes its visitors with a mysterious letter on a table in the main hall and two knives next to it. But why…?
We found out one of the kids of the family was very troubled and had a thing for satanic worship. In her room, we found rebellious signs of upside-down crosses.
But that’s not the only gruesome thing about this place.
During the whole exploration, I had a feeling of discomfort and fear.
Some of the beds have bloodstains on their mattresses, and whilst walking around in the mansion, stomping footsteps could be heard from a large creature in the attic. In addition, some rooms contain obscure gothic paintings of children with big black eyes.
This tucked-away property was last occupied in the mid-1980s and has been left to its own devices ever since.
It’s time to go on a tensive journey into the unknown to find out what really happened here.

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All the music in this video is gathered through Epidemic Sound (ES), Artlist.io, and Motion Array.

Abandoned USA Series Ep. 9: Dark Abandoned Satanic Mansion – Hidden Deep in the Forest!
#abandoned​ #urbex​ #USA


36 thoughts on “Dark Abandoned Satanic Mansion – Hidden Deep in the Forest!”

  1. Your in my home town. That’s a swamp which are all over the south. Not a creek. I grew up near Stone Mountain and back in the woods we use to play in a giant abandoned Mansion that had an amazing outside garden maze made also out of Stone. It was near a place called Stone mill run near the east gate of Stone Mountain Georgia,

  2. On the east coast of the US there are lots of beautiful colonial homes that will remind you of Europe because of the people that came from there. Even now they use beautiful wood work etc in nicer homes

  3. Most of these old houses were abandoned due not having proper insulation, or not up to date with wiring and so forth. Most opted to just upgrade their whole life instead of packing up old furniture. Some were even abandoned due to disease or other health reason.

  4. Also whoever sold you on fancy film effects should be let go. All the indulgent flashing, fonts……(your intro?) as ex. They are bad for viewers eyes, over the top, and annoying enough to drive viewers away. You definitely could use new camera person, editor? It is nauseating. To shoot a video like this the camera should be your unobtrusive partner, not a combative element. As an educated (rare) person with advanced degrees in filmmaking, art you should consider involving a 3rd person as a technical advisor. That is if you have no interest in improving your own skills. I think it is interesting that you explore these abandoned homes but why not make your experiences more palatable?

  5. Hello all, I'm 65 female from upstate NY. The thing on the wall you thought might be a radio is a replica of what phone's use to look like before my time. I am enjoying you page and will continue to watch more. Thank you.

  6. The growls heard in the attick nd the waking so loudly is probably the spirit of the young girl who truly was sick at heart and not able to be pat peace in her life. She did not like herself and wanted to be different than she was born, and her family did not agree. She could have become so mentally deranged with her ' darker thoughts' and after awhile she truly lost all sanity and planned her revenge at night, and killed or tried to anyway, some of the family, not sure if one or more? i think she was so upset in life and angry and unhappy and miserable in her soul and her mind, and this can happen, as she could not really accept life the way it was, and she wanted what was not for her to have. She became angry with anyone who just disagreed and yet they did love her so much, but she could not accept that love. Sad, but I truly think everything points to this. Now she cannot get into heaven and/or heaven ( The ethers above us that are expansive and everywhere around us and a think curtain that is imvisible, of course is between us, and so she is stuck forever in this 'in between state.' To her, she is a prisoner being held in the attic as she became dangerous and was mean in life and now this is where she spends her time. I think in time maybe something may change for her, but not sure? She does not seem to have anyone else with her (spiritually speaking) but she lives her life here, and just did not know anyplace she would be able to go but here. So this is where she resides and with you there she was just able to know that somehow people were in the house, and she wanted either help or revenge? Not sure? But she may have wanted to know ow to release her spirit from this hold on her soul? She is "left behind" you might say because of what she did. Not sure if she too her own life or not? I think very much she may have done just that. at least at the end of the ravaging rampage that she did out of sheer anger and keeping her mind on it all so deeply and wanted to get even with someone for how she was feeling about herself. Seh wanted everyone to just' agree with her' and 'no one was allowed to disagree.'

    It certainly was a lovely home. I imagine they er strict too but loving. In their own ways. Life can give us such twists and our mind is so strong, and it causes one to do wrong, or good things, and once something like this is over, you cannot fix it without forgiveness of self and others and lots of love and her mind or soul is not able to release at all. Often, they can never be able to just be comfortable at all and at peace again. She is troubled so much while staying there and remembering, but it is part of her punishment you might say. She is stuck. Her mind is holding her stuck and the guilt keeps sit all going as she cannot forgive or certainly forget. Neither could others. Maybe fear as well has so much t9 do with it that energy is strong? But you were trying to explore and she was trying to scare you out.

    Such lovely antiques left behind makes it sad, but we never can take it with us. I understand that if you do not have any '' Living Will' ahead of time, made up, you can lose the home, as many do not know they must' leave it to family (or someone) ahead of time', and they need to' include items in the house.' Or around it. This happened way before they were ready in this case, and just did not have any thing covered for family, as they were younger and yet they needed to have been left the items to someone, and home as well, before death took place.

  7. Many homes and large estates are found often abandoned in upstate NY in small towns even, and near the Adirondacks. People that were rich and famous would often vacation in areas as that especially, Adirondacks. Even the Presidents after retiring. Often churches and schools have never been fixed up and just left behind. Part of history and how people lived in Upstate NY in the earlier times of hx.

  8. Guys, I will be honest. I don't think the people who lived in this house were satanists. There is absolutely nothing else in the whole entire house that relates to satanism. Everything else is cheerful. The room for example, is pink with flowers,etc. I think someone broke in (just like u guys) and unfortunately were trying to be funny by turning the crosses upside down. I don't know much about this stuff, but I don't believe devil worshipers put flowers on their upside down crosses. They also wouldn't have their room painted pink. Now seriously, did you see anything else at all throughout this video that indicate the opposite? I didn't. To me it's just a regular home with regular things.

  9. Everything looks fairly normal but the crosses, thats really odd, so much vintage stuff in there id be in heaven looking aorund lol , the vintage radio on the wall is actually an old original telephone lol how cool is that, the noise in the attic is probably a racoon, and they can be very mean lol they usually get in through the fireplace or a broken vent or missing shingles on the roof, i am in loveeee with that outside porch ! i would spend all my time out there i think lol

  10. That device you looked at and thought it was an "old timey" radio was actually a now very rare antique telephone. The piece hanging on the side was the ear piece, you held it to your ear to hear the other person speaking. The two large round things were the ringers or bells that would let you know someone was calling you. the other round piece on the front just below the bells is the mouth piece you spoke into. There was probably a crank handle on the other side you would turn which would alert the operator you wished to make a call. That phone couldn't call people directly, the operator had to make the connection to that person's line.

  11. That huge refrigerator was a very large ice chest. They were probably hunters. Or maybe that’s where the bodies are. Those pole lamps are very valuable. Back in the day I couldn’t afford one so extravagant and sure can’t now.

  12. I don't think the ppl who lived there before were satanic. You say y'all stayed the night there did anything strange happen? Where did you both sleep? I didn't see anything satanic way to many flowers.

  13. I’m sorry. But your story is not true. This house is not a satanic house and the family who owns this home, which is in a estate, will probably be extremely upset about you fictional story. Btw. I know the true history of this house. I know the family personally. You should be ashamed

  14. This is like watching a live horror kind of movie where you get lost in the forest n things starts happening n maybe you can't find your way back to your car? Oooo I would be very scared doing this exploration, but I like that you guys a sooo confident that's what makes it exciting, n I can't stop watching to see what happens next 😅😅😅

  15. Yeah I can see you don't look ok it's like this house is making you sick you should hurry n leave, you will probably feel sick after this, I pray for you my friend, I love watching all your videos, are you by yourself there? I don't hear your friend with you? I would be so terrified being there, stay safe n I cover you with the blood of Jesus in Jesus Christ name amen.


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