US releases detailed report on 'Spy Balloon', cites 'Balloon part of China's surveillance fleet'

The United States has provided its more comprehensive description of a suspected Chinese Spy Balloon. It was recently shot down by the US military and was spotted last week, flying above Montana. United States now says that the machine was part of a ‘global surveillance fleet’.

#us #spyballoon #china
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29 thoughts on “US releases detailed report on 'Spy Balloon', cites 'Balloon part of China's surveillance fleet'”

  1. How Human Nature Works

    Human nature is the desire to receive, also called “desire to enjoy,” and it functions by receiving what is beneficial to itself and rejecting what is harmful. Everything in our lives is built upon this calculation where we first try to distance ourselves from harm, and then seek how to draw ourselves closer to what is beneficial.

    Human nature also includes a multilayering of systems that work simultaneously on still, vegetative, animate and human levels. One of those systems is our bodily one, which operates involuntarily. If our bodies are healthy, then they know what is good for them and draw that goodness to themselves. After the bodily system, there is the emotional system, which also functions relatively according to instinct. From the emotional system, we move to the mind, and from the mind to the intellect, and so on. That is, we have systems over systems that concurrently work on receiving what is beneficial and rejecting what is harmful.

    Such is human nature and the essence of our lives. Our every desire, thought and action operates according to the calculation, “How can we receive what is most beneficial to us and reject what is harmful?”

  2. It's obvious that China is preparing for a war against the Americans and top Chinese generals know that they can't win it. Hopefully they'd decide that it's better for all of them to arrest and execute their deranged leader Xi Jing-pin and concentrate on their economic stability to sustain their communist government.

  3. I am shocked and offended that we've allowed the Commies to develop a BALLOON GAP! While we waste money on F-35s, nuclear carriers, and B-21s, we now at the mercy of BALLOONS. Doesn't anybody remember the Missile Gap and the Mine Shaft Gap!!??

    Dr. Strangelove, where are you when we need you.

  4. Obiden didn't want to risk upsetting his bosses in China so he let it have a good trip around the country. Definitely not a violation of our sovereign air space and it was most likely just for k pop selfies and just for fun.

  5. And wasn't that a STUPID thing to do!…. Typically USA firing first and thinking (or NOT thinking) afterwards! What if that had been EXACTLY what the Chinese dictatorship regime had WANTED to see them do… to shoot down what COULD HAVE been a chemical weapon. The next time the clowns decide to shoot one down, it might even be used to that effect… who knows !??


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