Firefighter in the Pacific Northwest encounters a creature that he cannot identify.

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Intro – 00:00
Story One – 00:22 – Pacific Northwest
Story Two – 06:19 – Colorado
Story Three – 11:47 – Illinois

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Welcome to Lilith Dread where I narrate supernatural stories and stories about strange and mysterious creatures.

I especially love narrating stories from park rangers at national parks and the strange creatures they have encountered in the deep woods of our forests.

If you’ve experienced something strange that you couldn’t explain…or had an unusual sighting or creepy encounter please tell me about it in an email: [email protected]

#scarystories #creature #cryptids

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You must receive written permission from me to use any form of my content. reproduction of any of my narrations on any platform or medium is not allowed without prior written consent.

About My Stories
Some stories are researched from real events by writers hired by me, for example, missing person cases at national parks. I put references to the news sources in those videos. All other stories are sent in from viewers or recreated or inspired by existing stories. I will also read stories from other channels with their permission.

Content Disclaimer
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, is purely coincidental.


43 thoughts on “*DANGER* UNKNOWN CREATURE SEEN In Pacific Northwest”

  1. My mom is a real which, she belongs to a covenant that's not from this country….seen and heard crazy stuff so these incidents just arraouses me…very interesting 🤔

  2. If you believe in Jesus Christ when you have another encounter immediately say, this is key say Jesus. Say Jesus Help me… say it again and again until these demonic aliens leave. Even if you can’t speak it, say in your mind.

    Start praying now, daily talk to Jesus tell him what has been happening to… this is prayer talking to Jesus. Starting now will build a connection with Jesus which the aliens will sense and know!

    I will be praying for you but you need to start praying now to Jesus…. Example… Jesus I need you, things are happening and I want you to protect me from these creature’s.

    There is POWER in Jesus Name read Luke 10:17-19 this scripture explains the POWER Of Jesus and that he has given all believer’s his POWER in his name.

  3. Amazing how all of the people who experienced these heart stopping encounters are aware if al the finest tiniest detail of everything while their lives are at danger. Maybe its the extra adrenalin inside their bloodstream doing this, but it seemed quite unnatural.

  4. The last story sounds like she was inpregnated, part of the greys program to create hybrids. They will probably be back to remove it before to long. Very sad that you have had to go through such horrific abductions. They only use certain people who have a certain blood type thats compatible with theirs. 😒

  5. How recent are all these stories? When exactly did you, narrator lady, receive them and did the ones telling you these stories say precisely when they happened?

  6. I think the person in your first story has it wrong, it wasn’t an accident…IMO and most experts I have listened to, if the creature had wanted to catch you or hit you with something, it easily could have!! I don’t think you are on borrowed time! Mind Yoga on YouTube, has this crazy exercise for ridding yourself of anger or any unwated emotion…it’s the oddest exercise, but boy it really works

  7. 1. A Sasquatch was attempting to get the fire jumper out of the area to save them from abduction by a Tall White that had a large subbterranean base there.

    2. Dogman

    3. Zeta/Tall White abduction and it wasn't info a space craft in space. They took him DOWN in one of their massive subbterranean bases in National Parks and Forests.

    If anyone has questions. Post them here. No fucking skeptic troll shit either.

  8. To.the lady in the final video: Kane developed a small lump too. Look what happened to him. We dont need no Xenomorphs running around, go get yourself checked at the doctor asap

  9. Their real , Likens not a myth from the movies werewolf Lukaroo European, your not crazy , aman doesn't know everything they hide from modern day truth now being revealed. Its Biblically based Matthew Jesus says in the end times, all those things that mankind has sought to know since the beginning shall be made known unto them towards the end times, UFO Bigfoot Nephilims Skinwalkers tree people ,Lol Narnia creatures.

  10. The person in the last story ask us “if you believe in God pray for me” Maybe this person doesn’t believe in God that’s why he was chosen by these Demons.

  11. I've listened to many alien abduction happenings but I've never heard anyone mention any kind of smell… I don't believe you can smell or read in actual dreams so I'm thinking what they went through was real, very real!!

  12. I like the stories but you pissed me off from the beginning talking about climate change because of course is climate change this climate change every second and the reason why they call the climate change is because the original words they use for it was global warming but they had no proof of it so they had to change it deployment changed because climate change is real because there's different climates all over the world. As far as climate change the temperature has not risen the oceans have not risen to cover coastal areas anywhere around the world except if you want to use the word erosion from the ocean. Back in the dinosaur age the temperature was 2230 degrees hotter than it is now and there were Lush rainforest and tropical areas pretty much everywhere and the reason why the dinosaurs were so big was because of the difference and the temperature. Right now we're talkin about a fluctuation of a have a degree and that's just how it's always been except for back in the dinosaur age but could you imagine if it was 20 to 30 degrees hotter everywhere on Earth what would you call it global warming because there were no fossil fuels back in the dinosaur age except for the huge piles of feces that dinosaurs used to excrete and that could have made it a little harder but not 20 to 30 degrees. After vice president Al Gore finished his term he went right into global warming and said in 15 years oceanfront property would be underwater and polar bears would be extinct and at that time they were five thousand polar bears. Well 15 years later the oceans never risen and at the end of that 15 years the population of polar bears increase to 55,000. When you come up with words climate change and global warming please have your facts ready but you will never have any facts to back up your global warming or climate change because it just doesn't exist especially at the levels that you alarmist try to brainwash people into thinking this is what is going to happen. What's funny is the global warming and climate change agenda try to predict what it's going to be like in 20 years when the weatherman can't even predict whether it's going to rain snow or what the temperature is going to be for at least a week. Think about that for a minute the weather forecaster cannot tell me what the temperature is going to be next Friday but you people can tell me in 20 to 50 years from now it's such a joke. Oh and the other thing is if you do not watch any military channels as far as scientists making hybrids you should do so because they are making them all over the world and that is what you are seeing in our national parks and other places. I know this for certain because I served in the Marines for 23 years and have seen these creatures up close and personal as I had to transport them to facilities all over the country. What these mad scientists are doing to people and mixing them with ghosts and deers and all kinds of animals to weaponize them is just so cruel it is pathetic.

  13. You lost me at Climate Change. Total frauds. No one can take you seriously now. Funny how a bunch of electronic devices set out for a long period of time to test the climate in a study found out it to be false. The results proved it is all a lie. It was just on the news about a week ago. Helps to have an above room temperature I.Q..


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