‘Culture issues’ within the broader Defence leadership, says Richard Marles

Defence Minister Richard Marles has revealed that he believes there are some “issues of culture within the senior leadership” of his own department.

Sky News Australia Political Editor Andrew Clennell asked the Defence Minister about his reportedly closed-door meeting with Defence Secretary, Greg Moriarty, and Chief of the Defence Force, Angus Campbell calling for “excellence” from his department.

“What we need to see in terms of the leadership of the Australian Defence Force and the Department of Defence, and I’m not just talking about the two leaders (Mr Moriarty and Mr Campbell), but the broader leadership is that all that we do is done with excellence,” Mr Marles told Sky News Australia.

“That advice is timely. That advice is accurate.

“That we are expecting of ourselves the same amount of excellence that we would expect of somebody who’s in the infantry or somebody who is maintaining an aircraft where there is excellence and complete competence.

“Because I think there are issues of culture within the senior leadership and the more general leadership of the ADF and the department, which needs challenging,” Mr Marles responded.

“I’ve had complete collaboration with from both, the Secretary of Defence, and the CDF, there is an issue in relation to culture and we should be seeking to have a culture of absolute excellence.”


40 thoughts on “‘Culture issues’ within the broader Defence leadership, says Richard Marles”

  1. Marles is another corrupt labor member of the labor crime syndicate family. He does not understand what he is doing. He is treating this as "culture war" between himself and Defense. His real role is – improve Australia's military. His job – is leave the Defense Department in a much better shape – then before he took it on. His is doing the complete opposite.

    His role is:

    1. Sort out what Defense needs – as it's top priorities.

    2. Start a "shake down" process of testing the platforms of new ships – submarines – aircraft – missiles – tanks Defense needs. Cut down the number of public servants in defense procurement. And put teams together – that have experience of military personnel who use the equipment – engineering backgrounds – defense manufacturing. And those teams – evaluate weapons systems.

    3. Introduce a competitive – "shake down" process – that finds the best technology for Australia's defense.

    4. Look at the failures – of not having a "shake down" process. Over $4 billion lost on the French submarine fiasco.

    5. Buried brand new helicopters – that Defense had just finished taking delivery of.

    5. Spent over $2 billion of off shore patrol boats – that are not suitable.

    6. Secretly dropped buying more F-35 stealth planes. Lockheed Martin – has told the world.

    7. The F-35 was another huge project – done without – a competitive "shake down" process – with other air craft.

    8. Under labor and the LNP – defense has gone backwards.

    9. These projects – that had no competitive run off – competition – were adopted in their selection. The biggest defense projects have failed – because they have all been "captains calls" of politicians. Which means – they were adopted – without – a "shake down" evaluation.

    10. Turnbull made the decision to buy the French submarine after a "free flight" on Macrons jet.

    The Australian army – has had an extensive "shake down" rogram – for the boxer Infantry fighting vehicle – and Lynx – V- redback.

    The Australian army should get rid of the Abrams tank. The engine – can be seen from space from it's heat signature – and the engine is to unreliable. The new Rheinmetall – KF51 panther tank – with 130mm auto loader gun – is a compelling – tank worth evaluating. Also drone support vehicles for infantry.

    Helicopters – the U.S. has stopped this program. As Ukraine has shown helicopters – have suffered huge losses.

    And that drones – and man portable fired missiles – are changing the battlefield.

    The Russians now they can assemble – large artillery units – are grinding up Ukraine's army.

    So mobile artillery such as they new K9 thunder from South Korea – may well have to be – a much larger component of the Australia's army.

    The F-35 has been given the role of ground interdiction by the U.S. and Israel.

    Australia needs to identify a air dominance aircraft – and that may either the – BAE – Italy – Japan – Tempest – 6th gen fighter project. Or the South Korean new KF-21.

    The Navy look at all new frigates – Germany has very good new ships. Sweden has the Visby stealth class corvette. Which has been in service for years now – is due for a redesign – and much cheaper – then the U.S. littoral class ships – that have costs hundreds of billions – all being scrapped.

    Marles is your typical labor liar. He is trying to say – it's about the culture of Defense. It's not. It's the fact – Marles has two main failings.

    1. He is as dumb as they come – that's why he got the job. He does what ever atrocious albo says. And you can bet he does not – understand the back end from the pointy end of a bullet. You need someone – in defense minister role. Has to be more of an engineer – then a politician. He needs – to set up – "shake down" team process. Similar to the Army's approach to the IFV program. Which has been a success – due to the Army – had a true – run off competition.

    2. He is treating this as war of political ideology – between – his brand of politics – and the mindset of defense.

    Meaning – he's showing to albo – he's a team player on team albo – for labors – corrupt mafia crime family – business model of politics.

  2. Yeah well here you go, voters don't go far enough to "Select the Candidate Best Qualified for the Job", what we have now in Labor/Greens-Teals set of collective misfits are political idea logs, not qualified & this is a perfect example, then you have the PM of PR & BS/Marrickville Mugger/Mr Pants on Fire, never had the experience to do anything apart from political shafting, proving that daily, WAKE UP AUSTRALIA…Vote them out, start with Dunkley.

  3. The West should feel assured that it is the safe hands of a Catholic and Khazar Ashkenazi Jewish mafia homosexual elite that tell us they are so much smarter than the rest of us in politics, the media and judicary. The only problem is that they are on the Andy Warhol end of the boy loving (now altar boy) idea of war ready Spartans.

  4. So Snarly Marly what does "culture of absolute excellence" mean is it the same culture that Albo talks about when he tweeted this back in 2022.

    I would like to insist the importance of using the term "minor-attracted persons" instead of "paedophile" because it's less stigmatizing.

    The term "groomer" is also offensive and should be banned.

  5. Marles is obviously quite right. The utmost efficiency in expenditure and decision making should be demanded from the highly paid officials in Defense. Having a whole fleet of helicopters unsuitable for use does not smell of efficiency. Nor does paying France billions for bad decisions. It is not (as Tony Abbott would say) like a housewife scorching something at the ironing board!

  6. Marles has absolutely no idea what he's playing with. The very last culture our defence force needs is "excellence"… the enemy of good. Excellence is a useful culture when numerous iterations of effort can be expended to achieve a perfect result or product. Australia does not have time for Marles' vacuous & misguided vision of "excellence". We need to get stuff done… fast.

  7. ADF must eradicate its culture of leadership undermining front-line troops (think Angus Campbell's public attacks on Australia's Special Forces personnel). The ADF must also eradicate its culture of obsession with "Diversity, Equality, Indigenous participation and LGBTIQ+ inclusion". Then, and only then, will the ADF have any chance of retaining and recruiting mainstream Aussies who are prepared to fight for Australia.

  8. Funny how every area of government and society having cultural issues under this government
    Never a issue's before like this under any government's even labor one's
    So it appears only one common denominator in the last couple years 😮
    🤔 Could it be the issue's are caused by the government's of the day
    With how their change of policies having a negative affects on all cultures
    As i alluded earlier only since this government's not even other labor government's
    One has to asked the questions why are they causing racial issues and imagrantion issue's
    We as a society had voted on these issue's under the referendum yet they still keep pushing the issue's
    Sooner election the better and we can save this country and its resources being wasted

  9. What a worthless excuse for a minister like the entire front bench. If labor get a second term Australia is doomed. And why isn't the Australian Flag in the background ?

  10. Richard Marles is showing himself to be a complete fool.
    You are going to bring in some new smaller Frigates that are so called of the shelf.
    What a load of bullshit, you and your senior public servants will pay billions of dollars to companies to tender for these ships, then you will Australianise them which will cost more money, then go into delivery delays.
    Just continue building the Hunter class which will be a mature project before all your fantasy land ideas come to fruition.


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