CROSSPLAY COMING? Giving The Producer of Dragon Ball The Breakers YOUR Feedback!

I had the honor of speaking with Ryosuke Hara, the producer of Dragon Ball The Breakers. I asked him some of your questions …


27 thoughts on “CROSSPLAY COMING? Giving The Producer of Dragon Ball The Breakers YOUR Feedback!”

  1. I would like to see every f**** raider they had on that list
    I want dragon ball z broly I want dragon ball Super Brolly I want king piccolo I want f**** all of them m**********

  2. The revive a player wish assumes that whoever you're trying to revive is even still in the game? Like if sombody is just down it's not a worthwhile wish, if they are Dead Dead then there is no gaurentee they didn't nope out of the lobby as soon as their timer ran out and then the wish would be useless!

  3. I played 3 matches before work and it was a bad decision. I lost all 3 matches lol 😂 playing solo queue and in the day time is cancer. The survivors do not help each other. they can't stay alive and no keys are being put down. It's very annoying.

  4. If they actually read twitter posts, crossplay should have been here already for season 2 if not at launch because as it is Xbox and Nintendo Switch users are screwed especially as with friends can't be raiders anymore

  5. great video and great points, I found you thru another breakers creator named AstroOddyssey and I haven't been disappointed. keep up the good work

  6. It would be easier to collaborate with people in the UK if we were able to have choice of region – because region lock makes it incredibly hard. The ONLY way around to reliably do this is to do a lobby with 8 people.

    And this is where the split goes into why 8 man non-practice lobbies are so important; it's quite literally a matter of having the ability to queue with people no matter which region they're in – and have rewards and exp earned – as opposed to only playing trail matches.

    I had also asked if they force us to only play 7 man queues for exp an rewards to at least fix the region lock, because depending on where people are from we can /possibly/ get a match with a raider, but there have been several occasions where we're sitting there for 30 or more minutes not matching with another person. And we could have /easily/ solved that ourselves in season 1, but season 2 we are stuck either playing for no rewards but getting to play or waiting an X amount of time hoping we're able to play in survivor queue

  7. – Personally I will always agree that the devs DO listen to feedback, most of the changes we've had so far were stuff the community asked for.
    Cell is too weak? He gets buffed.
    Raider camping the Keys? You can now 99% them.
    Raider too oppressive? Ki Blast nerfs.

    – If you ask me, Buu and Cell desperately need a complete rebalance.
    Buu is unplayable ever since S2, it either comes down to Spopovich getting the beatdown (80% of the time) or Super Buu wiping the whole team (20% or less), while Cell either ends the match too quickly because of his Evolution speed or gets destroyed because of his underwhelming kit.

    – I would definitely love Z Broly, he is my favourite villain alongside Frieza and I'm glad they're considering the option.

    – I wasn't hoping for monetization changes, I knew the devs couldn't really do anything about it. I understand why they changed the S2 queue, but that actually made the game way worse because I see cheaters & feeders on a daily basis and I genuinely can't have fun if I'm not playing with/against my friends.

    Overall, I really appreciate both you and Ryosuke Hara, thanks a lot!

  8. The revival stuff was a idea i had but i feel like reviving one person would not be as strong as still havng lv4 in most cases

    Plus another issue in randoms people usually leave after they die

    If they already left that wish is a waste now

    Like if it was reviving everyone that died and if your in a party that be more useful then just 1

  9. When it comes to gacha with a pitty system

    All you gotta do is make is like "After 100 summons you get a featured unit" then it could encourge people also to pay money to get things quicker or using fire currency people could still pay money to get more dupes quocker

  10. I meant to ask you to ask them about the possibility of adding a new cosmetic type that's strictly how you break boxes, barrels etc like if you could buy the way chi chi breaks em for your CAC or the farmers shotgun, yajirobes sword etc, I think that'd be pretty cool instead of being stuck with that booty handgun. Almost like alternate pickaxes etc in fortnite.

  11. I'm so glad that you were able to talk to the producer of The Breakers. You are the person who loves this game the most (besides me). I put myself in your shoes and "it makes my hair stand on end" (sorry for the translation: typical Spanish phrase). Here you have my donation for your good work.


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