Can I beat pro Trackmania Players on The Official Campaign Tracks?

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41 thoughts on “Can I beat pro Trackmania Players on The Official Campaign Tracks?”

  1. Ngl, I need that wirtual song on my spotify, and I'll 100% play that sh@t on repeat whenever I finally break down and buy a Trackmania game motivation (yeah, I been watching Wirtual for like 2 years now, and never played any of these games, lol).

  2. As a console player, with no plug-ins, I've realise the only 2 that we need, is the AT/PB in the corner and no respawn timer. The rest are beyond my skill level and not worth it.

  3. i'd wana know when i'd RIP cause then i can plan my whole life and use all my assets down to nothingness by my death. Inheritances? nah my kids will be educated enough to make it themselves.

  4. 16:30 I think i understood why huging the plastic wall is faster. As you know landing on plastic produces no landing bugs allowing you to very efficiently preserve your speed. I assume you hugging the plastic wall as you land gives you the plastic physics to your car allowing you to preserve much more speed.

  5. I don’t think it’s cheating, I’ve watched you for a very long time and I’ve only just starting racing myself but anyone who thinks your keys are cheating then they’re are delusional, it’s like having paddles for controller on call of duty it isn’t cheating.

  6. My dude, this isn't CLOSE to scripting. Not CLOSE.

    But that explains why I like your content. You are a fellow man of culture… who has gone through the EUW server hellscape.

  7. If you can beat all the champion medals I should be able to get all author medals (still haven't gotten gold on the last 5 tracks so not rly)

  8. Got this game like almost a week ago and am grinding author medals on every campaign I’m at like lvl 14 I think it is fun to watch u be way better than me haha

  9. 3:08 We were discussing a book about an ice climber in like 3rd grade, and the teacher asked what the spikey shoes they wear are called. I very adamantly said tampons many times. Crampons guys, I was trying to think of crampons.


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