Prospects of escalation amid elevated Israel-Palestinian tensions – Jerusalem Studio 752

The English American Poet T. S. Eliot famously wrote that “April is the cruelest month.”

While the Middle East is the province of T. E. Lawrence rather than of T. S. Eliot, the next several weeks risk proving the poet right this year – even starting a week before April when Ramadan begins. During this time, Jews will celebrate Passover and Christians Easter. Jerusalem could once again become a hotbed of conflict between worshipers, partly driven by politicians.

This is on top of the rising tensions year between Israelis and Palestinians. The United States is engaged in a delicate diplomatic dance between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, both of whom confront serious domestic problems.

– Jonathan Hessen, Host.
– Amir Oren, Editor at Large, Host of Watchmen Talk and Powers in Play.
– Prof. Efraim Inbar; President of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security.
– Col. (Res.) Dr. Anan Wahabi, Senior Fellow at ICT Reichman University and Lecturer at Haifa University

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35 thoughts on “Prospects of escalation amid elevated Israel-Palestinian tensions – Jerusalem Studio 752”

  1. I think that the two state solution is a great idea. There is already a Palestinian state. It is called Jordan. Move all of the "Palestinian "Arabs to Jordan. Samaria and Judea and Gaza and Jerusalem are part of Israel.

  2. The Middle East is a very chaotic region in this part of the world because of Political Islam. It is not right for Israel to let foreign countries, especially Muslim countries meddle in its political affairs with regard to their ancestral land. Religion must not divide a nation. If Arab countries really care for the future of their Muslim brothers called Palestinians in Israel's land, just support them financially but do not teach them to divide Israel to have peace. Religion must not interfere in the political affairs of any state just to have peace.


  4. I stand with Itmar ben Gavir.He understands the enemies that Israel faces and is willing to take strong action.What,is he going to incite terrorists to kill Israelis……? They kill Israelis all the time for any excuse no matter who is leading Israel.Execute terrorists, bulldoze their homes and crush them with an iron fist.They only understand violence and power.
    I say build,build, build settlements.And arm the settlers.I hate seeing the Israeli police strike down settlers.I know its politics but evicting your own people on your own land,what a shame.
    How much longer are terrorists going to slaughter innocent Israelis in their own streets……………..? Lastly give up NO LAND whatsoever!

  5. Blessings dear Jonathan and Amir. And distinguished guest's. I am praying for some peace for Israel 🇮🇱. This Palestinian problem is realy out of hand. It needs to be reigned in somewhat. The nonsense with Gantz and Lapid isn't helping. They are not thinking about the harm they are doing
    Please God , it must be time to intervien. Thy will be done. AMEN.

  6. you have been trusting a so called PA security structure so as to peacefully keep extanding a " fait accompli" ,i.e., annexation. Now violence from youth Palestinians etc. and you dare ask WHY such violence. please YOU hurt my beloved country.

  7. Shalom my brothers Jonathan and Amir and TV 7 staff we must keep on praying for the peace of Jerusalem and salvation of Israel 🇮🇱 and Palestinians who love their neighbors the world is turning against the Israelis and overlook what the terrorists are doing in Gaza and Westbank in around the settlements

  8. Very strange, that all the time just the themselves calling Palestinians are alowed to built in Judea and Samaria!
    And no, the terror attackers are not al9ne wolve terrorists! The reason of the tention is the result of the education the themselves calling Palestinians get!

  9. No country should be able to hold a weapon that can be used to harm any Palestinian or Israeli, in Israel but Israeli Police or IDF , no country should be given the opportunity to be a burden on the holy land. It’s not that hard, Israel is to be protected by the Israelis and Palestinians, no more no less. Other countries can help by adding personal, assisting in traffic control, or just putting people to have a smile on their faces in Jerusalem, a lot of countries blindly supported both sides, and the only way they should be allowed retribution is through good mediating relations. Israel my Israel, we must allow the Palestinians to evolve their mentality into securing their territory themselves, other countries always want compromise, give and take, to me America is the only country that should have any right in security in the Holy Land, because only Americans are completely focused on the freedom for all, America has Jesus Christ watching their back, it’s just I don’t want any American service member to die there and become a reason for hate towards either side. That’s why Israel, should be the only Military and police presence during April, a show of military and security dominance that only can be compared to the Army Ant and Bullet Ant, that we all know are over powered in their environment . Israel allow the other Arab countries to be a good voice of direction to the Palestinian people or be nothing to them at all. Palestinians Men and Women died, are imprisoned because of lies of the rich and lies of those that lie under a holy image. Israel if I evolved; only by the grace of Allah and the relentless desire to treat people equally, from a heavy right wing Muslim Hamas in a way, to a devote supporter of Israel and the Jewish people, I believe the rest of my brothers and sisters, your cousins can change. I will say, never hesitate to protect your IDF partner. Just have your Krav Maga eyes fixed on the true eyes of evil intent. Someone that hates you, doesn’t have the same eyes as someone that is going to try and kill you. My heart once again goes out to the two brothers that were martyred, truly I feel as if my only two young boys died. Love tv7 and Christians don’t worry , Allah mentioned your worth, and the power he will give you, and has given you. I am grateful to be able to call you all brothers in this life 😢❤😊

  10. We condemn Russia invasion of Ukrain yet isreal doing same to Palestinians.. Oh, except that Palestinians are not allow to defend themselves or else they are labeled terrorist! What is wrong with this world?

  11. Palestinians are the bravest people alive, out numbered and out gunned and out funded, and almost no weapons except for sticks and stones against fully armed Jewish terrorists called Israel. Reminds us of David vs Golayth


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